ep 11: mixed feelings

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Seonghwa had been resting against the porch outside his house, as his room felt too congested for him and he needed some fresh air to get his storming thoughts sorted out, when suddenly something tickled the tip of his nose, causing him to promptly open his eyes.

He was then faced with Hongjoong floating in front of him, upside down like he was Spiderman or something. Seonghwa's heart lurched in his throat, threatening to choke him with how fast it raced.

"Hi," Hongjoong purred, purposefully blowing air on Seonghwa's nose.

His heart still pounding wildly, Seonghwa grimaced and pushed Hongjoong away, only for the shorter to slide over to him again, still upside down.

"Fuck," Seonghwa spat, to Hongjoong's amusement, "can you not do that?"

Hongjoong's body tilted to the side. "Do what?"

Seonghwa remembered that he was still mad at the shorter. "Go away. I don't want to talk to you right now."

Hongjoong smiled knowingly. "Riiightt," he drawled, rolling around and settling on the floor like used to doing it a lot, his moves fluid like a fish in water. "I know you're still mad at me for hanging out with Dasom."

Seonghwa scoffed, his palms digging into the surface of the porch. He pretended he didn't notice Hongjoong taking the spot beside him, his legs dangling over the edge like a small child.

"I don't give a shit about who you spend time with," Seonghwa replied.

Hongjoong played with his nails. "You got bothered, didn't you?"

Seonghwa's nostrils flared. "I did not."

The shorter boy laughed. "I don't believe you. In fact, I think you were...kinda jealous."

Seonghwa laughed, his breathing coming out in short spurts because he couldn't believe Hongjoong just said that. "Me? Jealous?"

Hongjoong looked really smug though, staring at him like he could read him entirely. Seonghwa didn't like that.

Seonghwa's breathy laughter dissipated into awkward sounding chortles when he realized that Hongjoong kept staring at him. "...Hongjoong -- "

Said male shifted closer, their thighs mere millimeters from touching. Immediately, Seonghwa swallowed, Hongjoong's cologne invading his senses. It smelt sweet, fragrant even. Like aromatic wine.

Seonghwa stood there, so ridiculously shell-shocked it was almost funny and pathetic. His mind was fogged up, he didn't know where to look. Whether staring at the shorter's mystifying eyes or at the graceful curve of his glossy lips, this felt so desirably wrong.

Without any warning, Hongjoong moved away and poked Seonghwa's shoulder, rendering the taller finally able to breathe properly again. "I bought a new perfume. You like it?"

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