ep 26: reveal pt 2

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For a couple prolonged seconds, Seonghwa didn't know how to react. He just sat there, noticing how Miss Suh continued to smile at him as if he was somehow supposed to take this positively.

Hongjoong was the one who spoke next, squeezing Seonghwa's hand to gain his attention. "...You're not okay with it."

"I -- " Seonghwa's free arm wrapped around his bandaged torso, the area still a bit sore to the touch. It was like the entire room was spinning, and his chest felt so tight, his rapid heartbeat ringing loudly in his ears. He quietly winced, and Hongjoong must've heard him because he wasted no time in moving closer and lightly placing a hand on his back. "I don't know what to think."

"I understand this sudden information may be a little difficult to process, Mr Park," Miss Suh began, her round brown eyes boring into Seonghwa's skull. "So that is why I and the rest of the Officials will leave you with sufficient time to think it over."

Seonghwa looked up, the tightness in his chest increasing by a hundredfold. "...Think what over?"

"Joining us."

Seonghwa was once again left speechless, and he found himself watching Hongjoong as if the shorter had all the answers and all the solutions to everything in the world.

The shorter's face was hard, steely gaze directed at the only female in the room. "Not every Variant has to join, you know that. We already talked about this."

He sounded so different, so unlike himself with his clenched jaw and narrowed golden eyes that Seonghwa felt intimidated even when he wasn't the one being looked at.

Hongjoong's harsh stare didn't seem to deter Miss Suh, though. With the casual way she spoke, Seonghwa felt as if she and Hongjoong had had this conversation countless times before. "Yes, we did talk about it. But Mr Park's power is like a rare gem, and once he is able to build up on it and receive training, the extent of what he's capable of will be endless. Especially with his history."

Seonghwa couldn't process any of this. It was almost as if this was nothing but a dream, and maybe it truly was. Nothing that had happened thus far seemed real in the slightest.

"What history?" His voice sounded thin and hoarse like he needed a drink, and he hated it. The more time he spent here, the harder it got to remain focused. Even the bright stars floating across the walls seemed a lot less freeing and surreal. Instead, they appeared to be mocking him as they languidly moved about without a care in the world whilst he felt nothing but caged in this place.

"Park Yiyeon, Seonghwa." Miss Suh answered, and at the mere mention of his mother, Seonghwa felt his surroundings -- his heart, even -- slowing drastically. As if things couldn't get any worse, Miss Suh continued to speak, apparently not noticing the way the dark haired male stiffened. "Your mother, bless her soul, she'd been one of our earlier members. She was also a Natural-born Variant like you are, only she made sure that you nor your father ever got involved with what she did here..."

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