ep 20: our kind

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It was that time of the month again. That time that Hongjoong specifically didn't like and didn't care for, as the whole process took copious amounts of time and was mentally draining to say the least.

And this time, Hongjoong had a feeling it'd last even longer.

"Stop frowning, Joongie," Yunho assured him as soon as they both stepped through the portal that'd led them to the Gathering. He was dressed in a long winter coat, hands shoved into its pockets as the air over here was bordering on negative degrees. Even when he was of aquatic variance and should've been used to the cold by now, he wasn't.

"I'm not frowning," Hongjoong grumbled although it was quite obvious he was. Several other Variants surrounded them in their casual wears, chatting and laughing with each other despite the gloomy ambiance the Gathering exuded. But it wasn't surprising; almost everyone here was used to it by now, after all.

The Gathering was the rather simple name given to the large set of aged-up buildings that stretched over miles and miles of snow. In there they would gather, train and lecture Variants, as well as assign areas of specialization for the every new Variant they received. A lot went on in there, but Hongjoong wasn't in the mood to give any more details.

He just wanted to go back to his house already, or maybe even sneak up on Seonghwa and watch the guy go bonkers over him.

"Cheer up. I think everything would take nothing more than two hours this time," Yunho said again, forever his highly optimistic self. It was a trait Hongjoong admired and so desperately wished he also had, but alas he and his brother were built different, both physically and mentally.

"We'd be lucky if it was only two hours," Hongjoong replied with a huff as he played with his fingerless gloves. Usually by now he would've engaged in conversation with the other Variants, because it wasn't everyday he got to see so many people just like him gathered in one area, but he didn't want to be here right now.

"Okay. I'll give you 20,000 won if the whole thing lasts more than two hours," Yunho told him.

"30,000 won."

"20,000. I don't shit money, you know?"

It wasn't very often Yunho swore, so Hongjoong couldn't help but laugh. "Fine. I'll give you the same if everything ends in two hours."

Yunho's much larger hand shook his. "Deal."

Yeah, sometimes Hongjoong did wish he was as tall as his brother, but then he remembered he liked his small size as it allowed him to be nondescript, as well as to stay more hidden whenever he had missions. People tended to underestimate him because of his height, and there was nothing he enjoyed more than to see their shocked faces when they finally saw just how insanely powerful he was.

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