ep 05: stranger things

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Seonghwa didn't know what he'd expected Hongjoong's house to look like, but it certainly wasn't this.

Approximately three feet away from them (Seonghwa had calculated), encircled by lush greenery and flowers that were a bit too bright for Seonghwa's liking, was a small, picket-fenced house that looked identical to the other ones in that particular neighbourhood.

Considering how outrageous Hongjoong could be with his stylistic choices and words, the house looked a bit...bland in comparison.

Again, why am I even thinking this? Seonghwa thought.

The outdoor lights were on, amber drenching the hardwood door with its glow. As soon as he and Hongjoong had stepped past the fence and closer to the door, the shorter's chestnut hair matched with the soft lights.

"Why am I here?" Seonghwa questioned.

Hongjoong only pressed on the doorbell, his fingers decorated with twinkling rings which complemented the gold of his eyes.

"Hongjoong." As soon as Hongjoong looked his way though, Seonghwa stared someplace else.


"What am I doing here?"

"You said you'd do anything I wanted." Hongjoong laughed, the sound too temperate for his boisterous self. "And now you're at my house 'cause that's what I want."

Seonghwa couldn't really argue with that though. The shorter was indeed right. But his stubborn side still liked to rear its ugly head. "Well -- "

The door opened, exposing a boy that looked even taller than Seonghwa was. His face betrayed that he was probably around the same age as he was, with wavy pink locks that reminded Seonghwa of bubblegum.

"Uh..." The boy looked awkward seeing Seonghwa there, and Seonghwa couldn't blame him. He felt awkward as well.

Hongjoong didn't look like he cared though, pushing open the door with those fun-sized hands of his. "Welcome to our abode, Seonghwa. Seonghwa, meet Yunho. My brother."

The awkwardness had transformed into knee-deep uncomfortableness. All of a sudden, Seonghwa didn't really want to be here anymore.

'Yunho' stared at Seonghwa, looking next to nothing like Hongjoong. In contrast with Hongjoong's high cheekbones, sharp teeth and his frequent overdressing, Yunho was all soft and pale features, gentle exteriors, and simple clothing. Even his eyes weren't yellowish like Hongjoong's. Instead, they were sapphire.

The taller's eye colour only served to confuse Seonghwa further, because were they actually real? Hongjoong's eyes were a little more believable since they looked a bit closer to brown, but Yunho...Yunho's eyes were blue.

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