ep 25: reveal

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tw: mentions of suicide attempt and blood

tw: mentions of suicide attempt and blood

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Seonghwa stared at the sky as he took a sip from the straw of his salted caramel mocha, noticing the gradually setting sun and how dark it was starting to appear around here. Mingi sat across from him at the Starbucks' patio, the amber lights surrounding them and a few other customers setting a warm, friendly atmosphere that Seonghwa greatly enjoyed and appreciated.

He also appreciated the company Mingi provided him, mostly because he'd been feeling a little iffy all day at school earlier, so much so that even Hongjoong's presence couldn't get rid of the restlessness he'd felt. Also, the last thing Seonghwa wanted was to finish his classes and head back to his empty house, that feeling of loneliness and unease threatening to eat him up, so Mingi's last-minute suggestion to hang out at Starbucks and spend some time together was something Seonghwa had agreed with right away.

"So Mr Lee had instructed us last week to write a music essay on one of our favourite songs, right," Mingi was currently retelling the events that'd happened during one of his classes, "so I decided to write one on NCT 127's Punch since it's a pretty interesting acid trip of a song, you know that."

Seonghwa took another sip, chuckling a little. "Right."

"So I handed in the essay, and today he handed it back and said, and I quote 'Your essay was well written and thought-out, but I had to give you a B-minus because it's Kpop, not real music'. Like, what the hell?" Mingi finished, his eyebrows knitted and a look of discontentment plastered on his face.

Seonghwa laughed. "Okay, what? Isn't he the same guy who accepted that mostly Kpop mashup you'd submitted to him two weeks ago?"

"Yes!" Mingi quickly nodded, shifting closer as if he was about to let Seonghwa in on a little secret, his iced cappuccino all forgotten about. "That's what's messing with my mind. It's like, he turned into a completely different person. Get this, he even wears khakis now instead of his cool-ass leather jackets and jeans. What the fuck."

Seonghwa couldn't help but snigger at Mingi's over-the-top statement. "Wait. What's wrong about that?"

Mingi stared exasperatedly at him like he just couldn't believe Seonghwa wasn't taking his 'legit' accusations seriously.

"Listen, Hwa. I have a theory that the real Mr Lee was replaced with an exact clone that's -- newsflash -- some sort of alien type species, because how could he suddenly change within a week or so? He freaking liked Kpop before, which was one of the things that made him cool." Mingi loudly sighed, raking his hands through his hair as if what he was saying was earth-shattering news. "I'm honestly feeling so betrayed rn."

"Did you just say r-n?" Seonghwa questioned with a disbelieving shake of his head.

"Yes. What're you gonna do about it?" Mingi replied. He finally remembered his half-empty coffee's existence and took a sip, looking as close to happy as one could get. And Seonghwa was glad he got to witness it. It was great to see Mingi being his endearingly talkative and cheerful self again.

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