ep 18: horizon

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It was just after 5PM, but the air felt as cold and as crisp as Antarctica. Seonghwa slung his bag over his shoulder, hands digging into his jean pockets as soon as he left Treasure cafe with Mingi at his side.

The brown haired male had arrived at Seonghwa's workplace as soon as he could earlier that morning, waiting at a table and talking with Seonghwa whenever he had the time to. They even shared that lunchbox Hongjoong had prepared, Seonghwa wisely choosing not to mention anything about who made it since Mingi could get pretty invasive due to his questioning nature at times.

However, Mingi seemed okay for the most part which should've calmed Seonghwa, but something in him told him the taller had other things on his mind he wasn't speaking of.

Whenever those doubts arrived though, Seonghwa would shut them out. After all, Mingi was just being his usual worried self, and now that they could talk things would return back to normal, right?

"Oh, I forgot to mention this," Mingi spoke up, both boys walking past a lit lamppost. He kicked at a tiny pebble, raking his hand through his hair.

"Mention what?" Seonghwa casually asked, dropping his gaze from the cantaloupe orange sky.

"Your hoodie," Mingi said, "it's new."

Nervous chuckles escaped Seonghwa's lips as he lightly pulled at that same pink hoodie Hongjoong had gifted to him earlier. "Ah, yeah... What about it?"

"It's cute." Mingi flashed a small, lighthearted smile, his eyes alternating between Seonghwa's face and the sky. "Pink looks cute on you."

Seonghwa nodded. "Thanks." He didn't know why there suddenly was this tense, awkward atmosphere surrounding them, and it didn't sit right with him. He quickly wanted to get rid of it. "Your clothes look good on you too."

"Really?" Mingi laughed, a twinge of disbelief marring his tone. "I just put together whatever I saw first in my closet. I mean, I'm no Kim Hongjoong, but..."

Seonghwa stopped walking. The skies were now tangerine in colour, the descending sun shining a peachy hue over Mingi's face and highlighting the heaviness in his eyes.

"You're no Kim Hongjoong? What do you mean by that?" Seonghwa didn't have a clue where Mingi was getting at, and it didn't help that the taller's expression remained overwhelmingly obscure.

"He's the one who bought you that hoodie, right?" Mingi concluded, kicking at something else on the ground.


"You guys seem to be hanging out a lot more now. I guess that's nice," the taller boy continued, confusing Seonghwa even more.

Fortunately, they were both located close to one of those old convenience stores that only attracted a niche amount of customers. That gave Seonghwa the bravery to further query his friend about his extremely odd words.

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