ep 29: let you go

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The silence in the air was deafening, squeezing Seonghwa's already suffocating lungs. He couldn't stop staring at Mingi, at his friend's widened, shocked eyes and at the way the boy continued to stand completely still. He looked like he wasn't even breathing at all.

"What's going on?" Mingi's voice sounded faraway, directed solely at Seonghwa. His eyes were also trained on Seonghwa like he didn't even want to acknowledge Hongjoong, nor what he'd probably just seen.

Hongjoong acted first, spotting the scorched paper on the bathroom floor in the nick of time. Even with this though, he never stopped holding Seonghwa. "I need to get Seonghwa out of here right now. We'll explain everything to you later -- "

The shorter's words seemed to be the match that struck Mingi's actions to life, because in a second his body had grown more stiff, and his expression more confrontational. "No. What the hell is going on? I need to know!"

Seonghwa had never heard Mingi raise his voice like this in a long time, and it frightened him. The headache slamming away at his temples grew even worse, swelling his body with so much heat and pain he felt like he was being burnt alive.

"Stop fucking shouting. You're going to draw in attention," Hongjoong snapped through gritted teeth, but his words just set Mingi off even further.

"Maybe that's what's needed right now!" Mingi yelled as he shifted his glare towards Seonghwa. A bitter smile spread across his face. "I'm so sick of this, so fucking tired of you always lying to me and spending time with him behind my back, pretending there's nothing going on. ...And now I caught you kissing him in the bathroom, fan-fucking-tastic."

A cold, icy look fell over Hongjoong's features. "Shut the hell up."

"Not until you tell me what's going on. Tell me why you can now apparently burn paper with your hands alone, Seonghwa," Mingi spoke, once again totally ignoring Hongjoong. Seonghwa couldn't bear to look at him, especially not when his eyes were glossy and filled with nothing but betrayal. "Or are you gonna lie about that too?"

Seonghwa couldn't believe this was happening. His chest felt constricted, tight all over, and that pain in his head still fucking continued, causing his vision to waver. He swallowed, guilt twisting his heart. "Mingi, I..."

"You what?" Mingi pressed, uncharacteristic fury shooting from his eyes. His hands were clamped into trembling fists, his cheeks splotched with an angry red. "Please tell me, because I truly do not understand!"

"Don't talk to him like that!" Hongjoong hissed, teeth bared and gaze laced with so much venom. Seonghwa'd never seen that look on his face before, and it drove him insane. This entire situation did. He felt like he was about to go crazy.

His surroundings were suddenly warped, and then he was falling onto his knees, his head feeling far too heavy for his body.

"Seonghwa!" Mingi exclaimed, his voice instantly losing its previous edge, but Seonghwa didn't have it in him to respond. His hands were trembling, dark flames scattering over his skin.

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