ep 10: power

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Seonghwa's bedroom was drenched with darkness, a cool breeze drifting through the blinds, but Seonghwa wasn't comfortable. It had nothing to do with his best friend or with the firm mattress digging into his back. Everything was internal, and that was the frustrating part.

He thought of his interaction with Hongjoong and Yunho, of that shadow (or Mon-whatever) that they'd captured. He remembered what Hongjoong had told him about not being able to do anything to stop the shadow, his words the catalyst to the scenarios that began puncturing his mind.

What would've happened if the two brothers hadn't shown up? Would the shadow have injured the kid? What if Hongjoong hadn't stopped him on time and he ended up touching the shadow in some way?

What would have happened to Seonghwa then?

The dark haired boy grunted, annoyed that his thoughts on the matter just wouldn't stop forming.

"...Hey." Mingi's mumble made Seonghwa blink and come back to reality. "Trouble sleeping?"

He stared at his friend, thankful for the respectable distance the taller had set in place between them. The little lamp beside the bed lazily casted ocean blue lights on their bodies, making Mingi's eyes appear even darker than they usually were.

Seonghwa stared at the ceiling, its patterns distracting him momentarily. "...Yes."

"Anything on your mind?" Mingi asked, keeping his voice hushed. His considerate actions calmed Seonghwa down, as he'd never been a fan of loud noises.

"No, not really," Seonghwa shook his head. He kept staring at the ceiling, his mind wandering to a place with dim blue skies, boys with wicked smirks and spellbounding laughter, and huge glimmering stars that burst into every colour imaginable. For a moment, Seonghwa wanted to be back there again.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Seonghwa met Mingi's gaze. The taller boy smiled, his unblinking stare making Seonghwa sputter an unexpected chuckle.

"Go to sleep."

Mingi inched a little bit closer and Seonghwa stopped laughing. "I mean it, Hwa. I know you sometimes feel alone, but I want you to know I'll always be there for you."

His words weren't what Seonghwa had expected but he appreciated it. Only he didn't really know how to display it, as he was awkward with emotions.

"Uh, thanks, Mingi," Seonghwa replied, not knowing what else to add that wouldn't make things weirder.

Mingi's smile grew as soon as Seonghwa cracked one himself. "No problem."

The shorter shut his eyes, trying to clear his head and finally get some sleep. But that proved futile when he started remembering tonight's incident, Hongjoong's red sweater with sleeves that hugged his hands, as well as his promise to keep annoying him. It made Seonghwa want to scream because thinking of the shorter only got him more pissed and restless.

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