ep 30: with you

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tw: brief mentions of child experimentation

tw: brief mentions of child experimentation

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Seonghwa wasn't surprised he ended up in an unfamiliar place again as soon as he'd fallen asleep. Before, he'd rarely paid much mind to his dreams and sometimes he didn't even dream at all, but lately he'd find himself stuck somewhere he hadn't seen before, somewhere that usually felt so candid it was like he was actually experiencing it in real life.

This time, the place appeared to be some squared off area with glass walls that stretched above and beyond. Seonghwa's eyes opened to dreary surroundings and his arms caged around his knees. He slowly extended his limbs before he could feel any more claustrophobic, wondering why the hell he was here.

His answer quickly came though, and it was in the form of the lone figure at the opposite corner seated in a similar position to him.

"Hong...joong?" Seonghwa's voice echoed along the vast chamber, quickly earning the brown haired boy's attention.

Hongjoong had on a bright yellow sweater with sleeves that extended to his palms, as well as overalls that seemed far too preppy and childlike for...wherever they were. But he looked nothing less than adorable, the sight of him distracting Seonghwa for a second before he remembered the present.

"Wow," Hongjoong's grin matched the impeccable twinkle in his eyes as he dusted off the imaginary dirt on him and made his way to the taller male. "You're... actually here."

"What do you mean?" Seonghwa rather dumbly asked. It wasn't his fault, though. He couldn't quite concentrate on anything whenever Hongjoong was around, no matter how freaking cliche that sounded.

Hongjoong settled down next to him, tugging at his sweater sleeves. "I wanted you here tonight, and you ended up showing up." His glossy lips curled into a firm line. "We need to talk."

Seonghwa tried to pretend he had no idea what the shorter was talking about, tried to pretend like his pointed stares weren't affecting him in the slightest. "Talk about what?"

Hongjoong looked unimpressed, cutting straight to the case without despite Seonghwa's attempts to stall. "You need to let me know what went on when Dr Hwang treated you. You've been avoiding telling me all week."

"That's because nothing happened," Seonghwa let out, his voice thinning out at the end. His hands ran over his sweatpants, clenching over the fabric while he hoped he sounded believable enough.

"You know," Hongjoong began, tilting his head as he observed the older's tension. His yellowish eyes looked a lot more intense, like they could see right through him. "You really suck at lying."

"I do not," Seonghwa denied, hating the way his voice came out all whiny and defensive. He frowned when Hongjoong just started to laugh. "Seriously. I'm a good liar."

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