ep 08: intoxicated

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Coming back to his home, Seonghwa felt a pinch of something similar to loneliness. The livingroom was dark with shadows lingering around every corner, but the kitchen lights were on, the plates in the sink unwashed.

Seonghwa dropped his bag on a table and marched inside the kitchen, for once not inhaling any type of alcoholic fumes or anything close to that. But the mess in the sink heightened the anger he felt towards his father, towards himself and towards his life.

Hi, Son. I got a little hungry so I decided to make some ramyun. Hope you don't mind!

I also went out. Don't wait for me!

The words were haphazardly scribbled and barely legible, but Seonghwa understood them anyway. He took the note stuck to the fridge and slowly crushed it in his hand, his shoulders hunched in defeat.

His father was his father. So that meant Seonghwa had to bear with the man even when he'd cleared the one food Seonghwa had been planning on eating that night. And there was already a shortage of edible stuff at the house.

At times like these, Seonghwa couldn't relinquish the loathing his father frequently made him feel. The man was messy, always got himself drunk at the worst of times, and then ate whatever he wanted even when he knew his son needed it to not go hungry.

Seonghwa tore the note in half and tossed it into the bin, wishing he'd taken up Mingi's offer to spend the night over at his house instead. The taller also had a father of his own, but his was actually a responsible human being, unlike Seonghwa's dad.

In the overall grand scheme of life, Seonghwa often wondered where he'd fucked up.

After he washed the plates since he couldn't stand any type of disorder for long, he switched off the lights and walked to his room with his bag.

Luckily, he didn't have any homework or assignment to do. Unluckily, lying back first on his bed with nothing to do set fire to the nagging thoughts that often plagued his mind during moments like these. Thoughts that didn't shy away from letting him know just how pointless everything was, and how he wasn't doing anything tangible with his life.

You're boring.

Hongjoong's words echoed in his head, turning his flaming thoughts into a full-blown wildfire. And it vexed Seonghwa, because why did those words affect him this much? He didn't give a crap about Hongjoong or his stupid alluring eyes or his annoying bright smiles. Hongjoong was just an infuriating little shit that thrived on driving him insane with his unreadable, highly frustrating self.

Seonghwa didn't want to deal with the shorter anymore, but he was still so perplexed about what he truly was. And that was the most upsetting thing.

Something hit his window.

The sound startled Seonghwa, his first thought being that someone had thrown a stone or something his way. But, the sound was too low for that to be, so what...

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