ep 23: neon nights

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Seonghwa was floating, his limbs engulfed inside a dark, reflective liquid that appeared to stretch onwards into the horizon. It was freezing, and once Seonghwa became aware of where he was, he started to move, only to realize he was being weighed down by it all.

He tried to regain control of his arms and legs, but like quicksand the liquid acted as some sort of barrier that pulled him deeper and deeper into the water.

Seonghwa began to panic. He tried to swim and keep himself afloat, but it got harder to do so with every movement. He didn't know where he was, whether this place was real or just a figment of his imagination, but his fear was still prominent.

The sudden appearance of the chaotic clouds in the sky caught Seonghwa's attention, their grey colour darkening with every second that passed. Thunder roared into the air, guttural and frightening, quickly drowning out Seonghwa's frantic heartbeat.

He knew he had to get out of here, but he didn't know how. Everywhere he looked was filled to the brim with murky, dense water that kept him stubbornly stuck to one place.

Despite the ominous skies, a flock of birds lazily flew overhead, their chirps reminding the black haired male of sinister laughter. It was nothing short of eerie and isolating, as the animals paid no mind to the stormy weather nor to him.

Seonghwa looked around, trying to find something or someone that could help him get out of here -- wherever here was. The saline-smelling air was making it hard to think and act properly, and time seemed to slow down even further as he struggled to keep himself on the surface.

Then Seonghwa saw something up ahead, but it was so far away that he feared he was now seeing things. He blinked, trying his best to get the water out of his eyes and hair, soon discovering that thing in the distance still remained. It appeared to be afloat just like he was, and naturally he reached out, trying to alert whatever it was of his presence.

There's no point. They won't hear you, a voice whispered right into his ear like a snake's hiss. It frightened him greatly, because what the hell was that?

Seonghwa's arms felt like lead as he focused on swimming past the heavy waves. But it proved extremely difficult to do. It felt like he was being tied down, trapped and locked into one area, and once again Fear reared its ugly head.

You can't leave...

Seonghwa blocked out that despicable voice from his head, forcing himself to keep moving even with how much his joints hurt from it. He pushed his arms into the air and began rapidly waving, hoping that maybe whoever was out there could bring him to safety.

The water surrounding him started to give way, attempting to absorb him, but Seonghwa didn't let that deter him. He continued to move and kicked his legs further and further until that figure in the distance became more visible.

FREAK, seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now