ep 16: i want this

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underaged drinking

underaged drinking

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Seonghwa had woken up the next morning with nothing but the two pairs of earrings from Flora, a bright red lollipop, and his phone sitting on his bedside drawer, which had a million missed calls from Mingi by the way.

Seonghwa groaned, rubbing his forehead in order to numb the ache that lingered there. Fuck. He'd almost gotten hurt yesterday by that shadow-Mon-thing. Or was it even a Mon?

Either way, that thing had been out to get him, but Hongjoong...

Seonghwa's jaw clenched as pain ravished his head like wildfire. But with that came some clarity, and he soon remembered the shorter boy rushing to him and holding him close. He could also remember that scorching whip in the distance, its flames gradually dying out.

What'd that been all about?

Seonghwa didn't know. He didn't feel good either.

He stared at the ceiling, the gentle breeze seeping through his window steadying his racing thoughts. He wondered how Hongjoong had brought him home, or if he'd laid him on his bed himself. He couldn't even remember Hongjoong carrying him, although he was pretty sure the shorter had to have done so.

Seonghwa's cheeks burned bright red with embarrassment. He couldn't imagine just how he'd looked in Hongjoong's arms, the other boy holding him like some dead-weight while they all transported back to Earth. God, Seonghwa only seemed to make a fool of himself whenever Hongjoong was around.

Seonghwa slowly reached out for the lollipop across from him, deciding on blaming his next actions on the fact that he was (kind of) in a delirious state and all he could feel right now was physical discomfort.

He unwrapped the candy and put it in his mouth, the sweet taste of strawberries drowning his senses all at once. But for the first time ever, he liked it. The knots in his joints relaxed and loosened, and as he continued to lie inside his dark bedroom, all his worries seemed to disappear with the fickle wind...


As soon as Seonghwa entered the school bus, he opted for the seat closest to the back and where the early morning sunlight from the windows wouldn't get to him. He still didn't feel too good, so he just wanted to hide away in the corner for a little bit and get some rest.

He soon spotted Mingi, and when the taller excitably waved him over, he internally braced himself for all the questioning that was to come.

"Good morning, Seonghwa," his friend greeted.

"Hey," Seonghwa replied, his voice coming out a little tired. "Uh, can I sit at the corner?"

"Sure," Mingi moved to let him sit, his eyes never leaving his face. Despite his smile, his eyes reflected worry.

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