ep 21: phobia

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Hongjoong made sure his and Seonghwa's paths didn't cross at all the next day. And yes, it was intentional, and yes, he wasn't in the exact mood to see him or anyone at school for that matter.

Fortunately, they had few classes together every Tuesday, and Hongjoong spent the entirety of Chemistry not talking to Seonghwa and avoiding his continuous stares. For a while his actions amused the shorter boy, because Seonghwa often liked making it known that he 'wasn't into guys', yet Hongjoong couldn't even count the amount of times he'd caught him staring.

Hongjoong's nightmare the other night had left him in a much too sour mood to interact with other students today, and no matter how much a huge part of him itched to spend time with Seonghwa (aka annoy him), he knew deep down that the taller would rather Mingi over him. After all, the guy was his best friend, and Seonghwa had only gotten to know Hongjoong for a short period of time. Nothing could beat that.

So for the remainder of his classes, Hongjoong impatiently sat through them and waited for the day to be over already so he could go home and hide away from the world until whenever he wanted.


Seonghwa was starting to get really bothered by Hongjoong's actions towards him again. The shorter made a beeline out the door as soon as any class they'd shared ended, and whenever their eyes met Hongjoong would quickly head in the opposite direction as if he just couldn't stand the sight of him for more than one second.

It gave him a horrible sense of deja vu, and it never failed to distract him which occasionally landed him in hot water with his teachers, as well as gain him numerous worried glances from Mingi since he wasn't acting like himself.

Of course, whenever Mingi asked him what was wrong Seonghwa would only reply that he was okay, appreciating the fact that his friend wouldn't question him further even when it was clear he still had his doubts. The last thing Seonghwa wanted was to cause any kind of rift between them when they'd just gotten everything back to normal.

To make matters worse, he couldn't stop thinking about that dream he had last night about Hongjoong and what he'd done to that building called Sunrise Orphanage. Why did that place appear in Seonghwa's dream when he'd never seen it before in his life? And why did Hongjoong destroy it so mercilessly?

Seonghwa tried to convince himself that nothing was going on. He'd just had a weird dream that made no sense, and all he should be focusing on right now was maintaining his grades so he could get into a good college after graduating highschool. He shouldn't allow anyone to get in the way of that, even when they happened to be a certain half-human boy with spellbinding laughter and eyes that were so uncommon yet held so much warmth in the moments Seonghwa had least expected them.

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