Chapter 1

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Soojins pov

beep beep beep beep -6.45am, ugh time to wake up I open my eyes and turn my head to see Shuhua on the other side of the room still peacefully sleeping. Cute I think to myself.

It always amazes me how she sleeps right through the alarm.

Sorry Shuhua but today we can't be late. I get out of my bed and make my way
over to shuhua's side of the room.

"shuhua..shuhua..... I whisper trying to be nice, but this little shits still not getting up  YAH SHUHUA!!" I yell waking her up immediately.

"UGH UNNIE! you scared me" she says still pouting at me I just smirk at her and tell her to get changed. When I'm about to move away she quickly grabs me by the waist and pulls me on top of her.

Shuhua I say trying my best to sound cold but failing miserably, "Jin-ahhhh" she says cutely.

I can't help but smile she's just so cute,

"Shuhua we don't have time for this we need to get ready we have idol room today or did you forget"

"Of course not unnie, I'm just so tired can't we just stay and cuddle for a little before we get ready," she says with pleading eyes.

ugh this girl,  " I'm going to make breakfast for everyone, get ready now so Soyeon doesn't have extra things to worry about alright." I say and give shuhua a quick kiss on the cheek.

"alright unnie, thank you!" she says with a huge smile on her face, the way to get shuhua to do anything is to bribe her with food I think to myself.


I cooked shuhuas favourite seaweed soup, by the time I finished cooking all the members were up and ready to eat.

"SOOJIN YOU'RE AMAZING" my members shout as we all sit on the table and eat our food. Miyeon and yuqi are sitting next to me and across the table is shuhua giving them both death glares.

I get up and put the food on her Shuhua like usual, which makes her stop glaring for a moment.

"Shuhua stop sulking and eat your food," I say.

"soojin how come you only serve shuhua food?! your still my unnie me and shuhua are the same age," yuqi says with a fake pout.

"because I'm her favourite," shuhua says nonchalantly and then looks at me with a smirk on her face.

before I can say anything soyeon gets up and fixes yuqi a plate and puts it in front of her.

"Thank you Soyeon," Yuqi says shyly.

Me and shuhua both look at each other and try not to giggle.

"yah why so shy Yuqi," Minnie says with a cheeky grin.

"Hey! shut up can I not just be thankful" yuqi yells back.

Gosh, these members are all so chaotic.

everyone finishes eating quickly after and we all head out to the van.


shuhuas pov

"today's guest are people who I have always wanted to meet, and I love them. everyone, please welcome IDLEEEE." the host announces.

"AnnyeongHaseyo we are (G)-idle, " we all say. Where dancing around and having a good time but I'm still nervous of course, I know my Koreans not the best but I'm happy that Yuqi's here to help translate and also she talks a lot so it's not that awkward.

as the show goes on the host attention turns to me "yeh shuhua, it seems you and soojin fight a lot, but at the same time shuhua you are soojins fan?"

I look at soojin and can't help but feel so happy about her just being near me " yes I am soojins fan"I say confidently As I stroke her hair jokingly while looking serious.

"Why do you like her," the host says.

before I can answer Soojin pushes my hands away from her  "what's wrong with you" she says giggling. I laugh as-well I never get offended when she acts like this because I know she's shy and gets easily embarrassed, not to mention it's fun messing with her.

" is shuhua affection towards you too much to handle," he says to soojin, I want to hear what she has to say as well.

she looks at me smiling and strokes my head "no It's not too much, she's adorable"  I was in slight shock but couldn't be happier, I know soojin cares for me but hearing her say it in front of others makes me so happy.

we finished idol room and all decided to get food and then head back home. Once we arrive back home I'm still in such a good mood because of what soojin said. She's always just had my attention even when we were trainees, She's beautiful and talented obviously but so much more than that.

We all were really tired and just went to our bedrooms.

I was undressing when I hear a cough behind me, I see soojin in the mirror staring at me and Our eyes meet, my heart can't help itself and beats faster than usual. I look at her and smile

" like what you see jin-ah" I giggle a little as I say it, she throws a pillow and it hits me right in the head.

" shuhua don't be so cheeky or I won't let you sleep in my bed tonight" I immediately shut my mouth "WHYYYYY, okay okay I'm sorry Ill be better."

I quickly get changed and crawl into soojins bed before she changes her mind and kicks me out.

I grab her arm and force it around my body, she groans but as usual she leaves it and starts rubbing my back softly. were facing each other and I admire her, I caress her face and whisper " so you think I'm cute"  thinking back to what she said earlier.

she roles her eyes at me but smiles " of course, you know I think you're the cutest but don't get to cocky your still annoying" luckily its dark so unnie can't see my blush, she kisses me on my forehead and says goodnight.

"goodnight unnie" I reply, what are you doing to me soojin.

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