Final chapter

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While soyeon left to talk to the CEO, I'm on my way to find Hui.

I know he has practise today so I'm headed to pentagons dance room.

I walk in not caring about the stares I receive, Hui's face has gone pale at the sight of me.

"Hui," I say coldly.

I see a hint of fear when his eyes catch mine.

"S-soojin, why are you here?"

I roll my eyes and stare daggers at him.

"You know why"

"Everyone leave" he shouts panicked, they all look confused but don't argue.

"Soojin look I'm sorry-"

"Shut the fuck up" I reply cutting him off.

I step forward so I'm standing right In front of him.

"You're pathetic, did you think me and shuhua breaking up would give you a chance with me. I laugh with no humour. He takes a step back, you want to know something" I say leaning in closer to his face.

"I never loved you"

His mouths open, shock evident on his face and hurt, the best revenge I can get is to make him hurt and this is how I'm going to do it. I'm not lying either.

"No your lying," he says loudly. I just smirk.

"I cared about you I admit, but I never loved you. I'm so glad I never did as well seeing who you are,  even when we were together I would have chosen Shuhua over you in a second. I hope you realise now you'll never stand a chance with me, I love her more than I ever cared about you" I kept my voice even the entire time. He's not worth raising my voice, he's visibly upset, tears brimming at his eyes.

"You never loved me?" is all he mustered to say.

A small part of me feels bad seeing him look so upset, but then I remember all the hurt he's inflicted onto me and Shuhua.

"Never" is all I say and leave him there, not before seeing him wipe his tears away. Pathetic.


"Hi baby," shuhua says cutely embracing me. I smile and look at her.


"Where'd you go," she asks curiously. I lean forward and kiss her lips taking in her scent and the softness of her lips.

"Just had to sort out some business nothing important"

She nods her head.

"Everyone's in the lounge, Soyeon just came back"

My heart tightens, she's back from the CEO, I don't know if it's good news but either way, I'm staying with Shuhua no matter what. People might think I'm stupid for choosing someone over my dream but I don't want this life if she's not in it. It's petrifying and exciting how easily I'd choose her over everything, even if for some reason we don't work out it would still be worth it.

"Jinjin you alright?" Shuhua asks concerned. I cup her face feeling her soft skin, god why did I ever date men I think amused stroking her cheek.

"I'm perfect as long as I have you" she turns away shy I can see a tint of red on her cheeks.

"Don't turn I want to see your pretty little face" she blushes even harder making me giggle.

"Come on let's go" I give her one last kiss before heading in.

Shuhua pov 

"I talked to the CEO you're all sorted, obviously you two can't go public but no one will be trying to break you up anymore," soyeon says smirking.

"It was that easy?" I say astonished.

All that shit I went through and she just fixes it?

"Don't underestimate me Shuhua, I'm not where I am by coincidence"

She is our leader for a reason.

"Thank you soyeon," Soojin says pulling me into her.

Soyeon nods her head, Yuqi comes out of her room with a pouty face clinging onto soyeons arm.

"Where have you been," yuqi says looking at soyeon like a lost puppy. Soyeon smiles and surprises us all by kissing Yuqi.

Yuqi unlike herself acts strangely shy.  I snort at the sight, soojin pitches me and glares.

Yuqi just pokes the fingers at me, I do a whipping motion just to annoy her even more. Soyeon and Soojin just roll there eyes at our childish behaviour.

"Okay children that's enough," soyeon says amused.

"Wait what the fuck just happened! Are you and Yuqi together?" Miyeon yells.

"Babe that's old news" Minnie replies.

We all look at them not missing the babe Minnie just said. At the realisation of her slip up, she looks at us panicked, Miyeon grabs her hand calming her down.

"By the way guys I and Minnie are back together," Miyeon says proudly.

Now it's Yuqi's turn to be shocked.

"Back together! You two have already dated?"

I just laugh at the situation, where all now finally coming clean.

"Don't yell at me I didn't even know you two were together!" Miyeon fires back.

"So we're all dating each other?" Yuqi says confused.

We all laugh at the realisation, our company's been so strict on us about boys I bet they didn't see this coming.

"Thank you again" Soojin speaks out.

"No need to thank me"

With that, they all go into there rooms leaving me and Soojin.

I'm suddenly nervous.

"So," I say quietly.

"So" she repeats.

"You're not mad at me," I say quietly.

"Shuhua, I'm not mad you did what you thought was right. I do wish you told me earlier but I'm just happy where together" she whispers into my ear.

"I'll love you forever, even if we're not together" I replied looking into her eyes. Her face softens at my words and like always I feel so lucky to be the one she loves and I know she loves me just as much.

"Promise," she says back.




This is the final chapter :( I've really enjoyed writing this story, I started it because I hardly saw any sooshu books I liked. But I'm so happy that people read this book and even enjoyed it. I'm thinking about writing another book but no promises. THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT 💛💛💛 please keep safe and be nice to the people that care about you. ☺️☺️

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