Chapter 15

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Soojins pov

"Okay so for accommodation you will be in pairs. Soyeon and Yuqi are together Minnie and miyeon and lastly, shuhua and Soojin " our director says.

"Actually can I room with Shuhua this time" Minnie questions, everyone looks at her a little surprised because were always in these pairs so it's unusual for us to switch.

I look at shuhua and she looks a little surprised too.

"Wait for what, why are you switching?" Miyeon says looking upset.

"I just wanna room with Shuhua its been a while" Minnie replies.

"We're not switching," I say looking at Minnie coldly, all eyes are on me.

"Why don't we just ask Shuhua who she wants to room with," Minnie says glaring at me.

everyone's eyes are on Shuhua.

"Um, I don't know... I don't really mind either one" she says unsure, I'm a little upset its always us in the same room.

"No ones changing rooms," our director says sternly.

I smile and look towards Minnie and she's sulking and so is Miyeon. Shuhua just looks lost.

" if you didn't want to room with me you could have just said!" Miyeon says angrily before getting up to leave.

"Ugh no wait," Minnie says leaving the room to chase after her.

our director looks a little mad by what just happened, soyeon gets up to get them since we still have to prepare before we leave for America.

"That was weird," Yuqi says nonchalantly.

'Girls will end the meeting here, where basically done so head home and tell the members I'm not pleased with there behaviour" the director says.

We all nod our heads and leave to go home.

"Shuhua, did you not want to room with me" I question.

"Unnie it's not that I don't want to room with you it's just that...maybe some space wouldn't be so bad?" she says quietly.

"Yeah, your right," I say. That's not what I wanted to hear but if that's what she needs than I'm okay with it.

I look at her and for a split second I see sadness but just as fast as it came it disappears.


We all get in the car and things are awkward, I'm annoyed at Minnie because she seems to be in the middle of everything to do with me and Shuhua and Miyeon's upset as well.

"Miyeonnnnnnnnn I'm sorry" Minnie pleads

"go away Minnie" Miyeon replies mad.

"Stop sulking It's not because I didn't want to room with you it's just that I've never roomed with Shuhua before!" Minnie says.

"I don't care I'm done playing your games one minute you're all over me than the next you pull something like this" Miyeon says loud enough for all of us to hear.

Miyeon freezes a little after she says this and so does Minnie. We all awkwardly pretend we didn't hear that.

"Let's talk when we're at home" Minnie whispers.

Miyeon ignores her and puts her headphones in. That sounded intense I think a little amused.

I look in Shuhua's directions and she's glued to her phone not paying attention to anything that just happened.

We get to our dorm and Shuhua's the first to get out of the van and heads straight to our room in a rush. weird.

I remember what she said about wanting space so I decided to call up our director and see if I can switch rooms, I don't want to of course but if she wants space ill give it to her.

I called him and he basically said no we can't switch rooms because everything planned is based on the partner were given so it's too late. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy, Shuhua can't say I at least didn't try. I walk to the room to tell Shuhua the news.

"Hey Shuhua I spoke to the director and he's not letting us switch rooms," I say walking into our room looking at my phone.

No response, I look up and Shuhua's under the covers of her bed. I can hear faint sniffling, is she crying I think to myself.

"Shuhua, "I say walking to her bed.

"go away," Shuhua says I can tell by the tone in her voice that she's been crying.

I slowly take the covers off her and see a puffy-eyed Shuhua. My heart breaks at the sight.

"Shuhua what happened," I say softly tapping her back.

She doesn't reply or look me in the eyes but instead hands me her phone. I furrow my brows a little confused but take it anyway. Once I look at the screen I see comments and there all about Shuhua.

"Can Shuhua even sing? whys she there"

"She's pretty but she can't dance or sing"

"Ew why is she there she's useless"

My heart tightens how can people say such horrible things about her. We all get hate comments but Shuhua seems to get the most and it makes me so angry, how could anyone hate her she's the sweetest person there is. People don't know half the battle she's had to fight and just how hard she works.

"Shuhua, I know nothing I say is going to make you feel better but I want you to know you're a huge part of this team just like everyone else, you've struggled with things but have worked extremely hard to get through them. You inspire me every day with the way you've persevered and you deserve to be here with us just as much as we all do." I say truthfully.

"I'm never enough" Shuhua whispers sounding defeated.

"Shuhua don't say that, you're more than enough you're perfect" I reply teary-eyed.

She moves her face and looks me in the eyes, I stroke her face wiping her tears.

"Than why don't you choose me," She says softly, I can hear just how broken she is.

tears fall from my eyes hearing her say that I've treated her so bad that she doesn't even know I care about her more than I care about anybody else.

I've been trying to convince myself that she's not the one, but its always been her I've just been to afraid to admit it to myself. And look where thats got me, i've hurt the person I love the most because I was to afraid to love her. No more.

"Shuhua its not a choice because ill always choose you" I say meaning every word.


Fuck anyone that doesn't like Shuhua!!!

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