chapter 3

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Soojins pov

"shuhua," I say with my eyes still closed, no reply she must still be asleep. I look towards her bed but it's empty.

that's weird it's our day off today which means shuhua doesn't get up until 12 the earliest.

Text message ~

from Hui 💜~ Morning baby, have a good day I'll hopefully see you later but where pretty busy training I'll let you know! xx

He's so cute, but I cringe a little when he calls me baby it's just so clique.

To Hui 💜 - Morning, thank you you're the best. If we can't hang out that's alright ill just be with the girls I get it so don't worry. Anyway, have fun and work hard xx

I walk out of my room and see Yuqi and Soyeon in the lounge annoying each other.

"morning" I greet.

"morning," they both say in unison than go straight back to laughing and talking.

I hear noises coming from the kitchen and see Shuhua sitting on the bench well Minnies cooking.

" Morning," I say non chantingly.

" morning soojin"
they both say.

"are you hungry? Me and Shuhua cooked kimchi fried rice. Well actually mainly me" Minnie says playfully glaring at Shuhua.

"I helped! I kept you company didn't I" Shuhua reply's with puppy eyes.

Minnie squishes shuhuas cheeks "ugh, Shuhua You're so cute!"

Why are they being so... touchy and also shuhua hasn't even greeted me like she usually does.

" Yah I'm chic, not cute," shuhua says while glaring at Minnie.

I roll my eyes and move towards them " your up early shuhua" I say while trying the rice.

" I was hungry so I asked Minnie unnie If she could cook me something,"

" you should have woken me up, I would have made you some food," feeling slightly annoyed that she asked Minnie instead of me.

" I didn't want to wake you, I know you had a big night," she says without looking at me.

That's weird she still always wakes me up to cook for her. Maybe she's trying to be thoughtful.

Miyeon walks into the kitchen
"Something smells good," Miyeon wraps her arms around my waist, I put my arm around her as well.

I look in shuhuas direction and there's no reaction, usually she would have been screaming at Miyeon by now to get away from me. But nothing, we head out to the table to eat the food Minnie cooked which tasted really good. There was a spare seat next to me and I expected shuhua to sit here but instead she's sitting next to Minnie and yuqi.

Why isn't shuhua paying attention to me, stop soojin you're overthinking and who cares if she's not?

"Looks like someone's stealing your girl" Miyeon whispers in my ear smiling.

" she can have her" I say with no emotion.

Okay, I'm a little pissed.

"Haha don't worry everyone knows she's your girl," Miyeon says sensing my annoyance.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you, nowadays Minnies attentions on Shuhua. Looks like someone has a new favourite," I smirkI knowing that would annoy her.

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