Chapter 22

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⚠️ sexual content⚠️

"Hello, neverlands! Where so excited to be collaborating with Kaja beauty products we hope you all enjoy our special videos and a big thank you to Kaja beauty for giving us this opportunity!" Soyeon says.

We all clap and head off to do our own thing. Today we're making films for our trip. I look in Soojins direction and she's busy looking at all the shops, my heart skips a beat thinking about her. I never thought I'd ever be with her, It's not all in my head anymore she's mine I think unconsciously grinning.

She turns her head and our eyes meet, butterfly's erupt and I'm reminded just how beautiful she is. She smiles at me and I swear to god just her doing that took my breath away. She leaves Minnie and walks to my direction.

"Jinahhhhhh," I say excitedly moving to her and engulfing her into a big hug. She fake groans but wraps her arms around my waist. I'm smiling while looking at her.

" having fun," she says cutely. I nod my head and show her all the cool things I brought, I got her somethings too but I'll give them to her later.

"you're so cute" she whispers into my ear while cupping my face. I blush at her words.

"thanks" I reply. I move my head forward to kiss her, I know she'll move because they're people around but it's still funny when she gets annoyed. She dodges my kisses trying to push me away, I just laugh but keep going.

"Yah, stop. let's find the other girls it's nearly lunchtime," she says smiling. I nod my head and entwine our hands.

Soojins Pov

" sit by me," Miyeon says to Minnie trying to be cute. Minnie ignores her and instead sits next to yuqi, making Miyeon sulk.

I feel kind of bad for miyeon, knowing all their drama I can understand both sides. Hopefully, they fix things soon. We really should be called gay-idle I think to myself amused, I wonder what our fans would think.

I feel a hand under the table rest on my lap, I look towards shuhua warningly not to go too far. She just smiles and slightly tightens her grip.

"Enjoy your food girls," soyeon says excitedly we all dig in, just as expected the food is amazing.

"Here unnie, try this" Shuhua says, her face inches away from me. If I moved forward slightly I could kiss her, my heart beats faster and I get the usual warm feeling when she's near. She puts the fork to my mouth but keeps eye contact with me, the tensions been building ever since this morning.

"You've got a little something on your face," she says close enough I can feel her warm breath on me. I'm too dazed to respond, she notices that and smirks. She wipes the corner of my mouth slower than needed.

"T-thanks," I say flustered.

"Lovebirds, did you hear what I said," soyeon says amused. I roll my eyes in response.

"What'd you say captain Soyeon" I reply.

"After this were gonna head to the store to buy some things for our party tonight"

"Sounds good" I reply. We all go back to talking.

" How are things with Minnie" I whisper to Miyeon who's sitting by me.

"I thought we were good but today she's been giving me the cold shoulder," she says upset. I'm just about to reply when I feel Shuhuas hand moving closer to my inner thigh. I look at shuhua but she's still talking to Yuqi acting innocent.

"H-have you asked her what's wrong" I reply trying my best to not react to Shuhua. I grab her hand and move it away.

"Are you okay soojin, you look a little red?" Miyeon ask.

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