Chapter 9

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Shuhuas pov

"don't worry we'll talk later," Minnie says to me, I pull away from her quickly and get my shit together.

"Let's get it" yuqi shouts excitedly with the unnies walking behind her. We all laugh, Minnie grabs my hand and looks at me smiling I smile back feeling a lot better. I look to the door and Soojin walks in all smiles, I can't help but feel angry and upset because just minutes before that she treats me like shit but for him she acts so different.

Minnie was right soojin doesn't deserve me even if she doesn't like me back you don't treat friends like this. I've been thinking about soojin's feelings for way too long and ignoring my own, I love soojin there's no doubt about that but why am I chasing a person that treats me like I'm just a burden.

It's time for me to start putting myself first. no more chasing I think while looking at her.


"Looking good everyone let finish here!" Soyeon says

"We're done!" Yuqi says loudly

"Yuqi you should stay here and practice a little longer," soyeon says seriously while hiding a smirk.

"YAH," Yuqi says and then gets up and jumps soyeon, they're both laughing.

"How about we all get dinner?" soyeon says now calmed down.

"You guys go ahead im taking shuhua out," Minnie says confidently.

"You are?" me and soojin say at the same time.

Minnie walks towards me so where standing side by side "Yeah I wanna take our maknae out!" she says cutely.

"Also I want to talk to you," she says so only I can hear. I'm nervous to talk to Minnie but also relieved that I can finally talk to someone about everything.

"I'm pretty much the maknae! you've never taken me out" yuqi says loudly.

"yah shut up yuqi! Soyeon takes you out all the time and I never complain!" I yell back, I knew that would shut her up. I have a feeling there's something going on with yuqi and soyeon but that's not my business.

"Well see you guys later!" soyeon reply to us, I look towards soojin and Minnie and the tensions high.

" don't stay up too late we still have work tomorrow," soojin says looking at me.

"don't worry unnie" I reply back casually. they all leave and its just me and Minnie.

"so what are we doing today," I say questionably.

she looks at me smiling "I didn't really plan anything but I know a really good cafe to go to!" Minnie says.

"Sounds good go me" I reply.

We arrive and Minnie was right this cafe is amazing, we order our food and sit down. Now it's just me and Minnie and I'm nervously playing with my straw.

"Shuhua, you don't need to be nervous," Minnie says grabbing my hands over the table, I calm down a bit.

"okay unnie, so uh what'd you want to talk about," I say fidgeting with my fingers.

"Well, firstly I just want you to know that you don't have to answer my questions or tell me anything your uncomfortable with," she says sweetly.

"Okay," I say a little shy, she really is so caring I'm glad I have a friend like Minnie.

"Do... you have feelings for soojin?" Minnie asks, should I tell her the truth I wonder. She's already figured it out so there's no point lying.

"I think you already know the answer" I reply trying to avoid her gaze ashamed to admit my feelings.

"Shuhua,"  she says softly I look in her direction "I want you to know that I will never judge you for who you love, all I want for you is happiness and someone who will treat you the way you deserve," she says sternly.

I wipe my eyes feeling tears starting to well up, I didn't know just how bad I needed to hear those words, its been hard dealing with all these unknown emotions by myself and knowing that she's here to support me really makes me feel better.

"Thanks Minnie" I barely make out. she moves to my side of the table and gives me a hug.

"I'll always be here for you shuhua" she whispers.

"How'd you know? " I ask

"Well firstly you make it quite obvious she says and we both laugh, but also I've been you," she says seriously. I look at her shocked, I'm surprised someone turned down Minnie I'm sure she could have anyone she wanted.

"you've been me?" I reply.

" Yes I have, I know what you're going through right now. When you're in love you tend to look past the persons flaws and how they treat you. I did that and it killed me, I don't want to see you go through that same pain I did."

"I know Unnie, I don't want to get hurt either" I reply.

"I love soojin, but shuhua she doesn't deserve you right now. I don't doubt she cares about you but she's so used to you always being there that she's taken you for granted, just look out for yourself please" Minnie says.

Minnies right, I was to engrossed in soojin to realise I need to take care of myself. I'm not going to ignore soojin but I'm also not going to chase her anymore, it's going to be tough but I'm no one's backup plan.

"I will, I promise," I say

*ding *ding *ding

From Soojin: where are you?

From soojin: it's getting late you should come home.

From Soojin: have you eaten??

"Who's that" Minnie ask

"Soojin" I reply casually, Minnie rolls her eyes but smiles

"What," I say questioning

" Don't worry" she says, I pick up my phone and text Soojin.

To Jinjin: Still at the cafe with Minnie well be back soon, and yes :)

Me and Minnie stay at the cafe for a while and continue talking and laughing.

" Before I forget, who was the person you were in love with," I say curiously, I had been so wrapped up in my own emotions that question had gone right over my head.

"that's a story for another time," she says eating the last of her chocolate brownie.

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