Chapter 18

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Shuhua's pov

Soyeon sorted out a private room at this nice bar, when we walk in everyone's staring and a few people calling out to us.

I'll never get used to the attention we get being idols. Where let in by the security and head straight to our vip room drinks already waiting.

Tonights bittersweet me and soojin are in a good place but there's one more thing standing in our way, and he happens to be on his way here right now. I'm uncomfortable with the idea of him being here but I know it will be fine after this because she promised they would break up tonight. I just hope she keeps her word.

We walk in Soojin holding my hand. A bucket with champagne and other drinks are sitting at the table we all happily start drinking.

"Listen up, I just wanted to say thank you to you all. We really made it I'm so proud of you, we worked so hard. All the long nights and no sleep was worth it! now lets keep this up and celebrate many more victories! I love you all so much, Now lets PARTYYYYY" Soyeon shouts excitedly.

We all scream in excitement, I look around the room and I'm so thankful to have people like them around me, how'd I get so lucky I think to myself. Soojin turns to face me and my heart swells I'm so thankful in this moment.

I get to do the thing I love the most for a living, I have people around me that love me so much, and then there's Soojin the girl of my dreams holding my hand. Life couldn't be better than this.

"You look beautiful" Soojin whispers into my ear I blush at her comment, after years of being around her I still get embrassed when she says thing like that.

"Thank you, so do you," I say back shyly smiling. Where facing each other her arms loosely over my shoulders swaying to the music. where both smiling like idiots looking at each other, all I want to do is close the distance and kiss her right now.

she has the same idea because she pecks my lips quickly, I look around the room and no one seems to notice.

"Soojin," I say warningly, she just laughs and pulls me to where the other members are dancing.

I'm pulled away from Soojin by a tipsy Minnie and Miyeon.

"Shuhuaaaaaaa" Minnie and miyeon both say, gosh these to unnie's are the same I think to myself.

"YESSSSSS," I say back excitedly.

" HAVE A SHOT" Minnie screams in my ear, I laugh and grab the shot anyway. I look to Soojin and she's smiling encouraging, I take the shot instantly. Fuck I think to myself I gag a little at the taste but momma didn't raise no bitch. Minnie and Miyeon clap excitedly and we all just continue dancing for a while.

the musics turned down and I look behind me and its none other than hui and some of his members. They greet us nicely my eyes move towards Hui and he's heading straight to Soojin, I know I shouldn't but I follow him to see what he does.

He's moving to where soojin is She doesn't notice him behind her because she's talking to Soyeon.

He hugs her from behind scaring her slightly. She turns around to face him, I'm frozen watching, everything in me is telling me this is wrong and he does what I've dreaded the most. He kisses her.

My heart sinks. The worst part wasn't that he kissed her but she didn't even try to pull away it was basically a peck but still.

I don't know why I'm shocked, what did I expect Minnie was right, everyone was right. She knew I saw them but didn't even try to come and check on me.

I grab the bottle of vodka and pour me shots, I'm getting drunk.

"Wow, that's a lot of shots," Kino says laughing slightly.

I don't reply but instead, take another shot.

"Hey are you okay?" he says looking a little concerned. I look at him and I can't even lie.

"No," I say looking towards Soojin.

"It's her isn't it" he replies.

I just nod my head not caring if he knows.

" Shuhua you can tell me anything," he says reassuringly.

"No I can't, not this," I say. even though he might already know about me I can't say it out loud you can't trust anyone around here.

"Shuhua I haven't told anyone about this but that person I wasn't over was actually a ... guy, so I think I know what you're going through" he whispers.

"wait what" I half shout.

"Shuhua quiet, and yeah I'm bi and I also know you like Soojin" he replies.

"Am I really that obvious?" I say. he laughs a little but nods his head.

"So who's the guy?" I say intrigued.

"I'll tell you everything another day but tonight lets focus on something else," he says cheekily.

"What?" I reply sceptically.

"Let's make Soojin jealous" he responds.

Make Soojin jealous should I? Would she even care I think to myself? You know what either way sounds good to me. I get to have fun with Kino and bonus points if it pisses off Soojin.

"I'm in," I say.

"Okay so I was thinking we start slow I hold your hand and you sit on my lap things like tha-" I cut him off.

"How about we skip that and just kiss," I say smirking.

"Ugh, y-yeah that works," he says.

"Only if you're okay with that" I question.

"N-no, of course, you lead the way" he replies smiling.

I pull him to the dancing area where everyone is and start dancing, I'm really glad Kino came I always have so much fun with him and he is such a great friend.

"Ready" I whisper into his ear.

"Ready" he replies smiling.

I take one last glance towards soojin than lean in without hesitating, our lips touch, I can't help but compare his rough lips to hers. I open my mouth slightly so he can further the kiss our movements in sync. For a moment I forget everything and only focus on him and this moment. After a long makeput session we pull apart both out of breath. I look around but Soojin and Hui aren't around.

Where'd they go?

Thank you everyone for all the support! Hope you enjoy the book and please be safe during these times 💛

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