Chapter 27

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Shuhuas pov

"Stay with me"

I'm holding onto Soojin, she's buried herself into my neck soaking my t-shirt . I just realised I've only been thinking about how I'm affected by this, I didn't take Soojins feelings into consideration.

"I don't want to do this Shuhua" soojin says her voice shaky.

I don't know what to say to her right now, I don't want her to do this either but we know what being a idol means and the rules that come with it.

"I don't want you to do it either, but this is what has to happen.  " I reply.

"All I want is you, why do I have to hide that" she says tears falling harder.

I hold in my own tears, right now I need to be strong for the both of us.

"Baby, I know it sucks and it's unfair but this is what we have to do. And you have me, no matter what you'll always have me"


Soojin's pov 

I'm currently sitting in a cafe, Hui in front of me. today we have to be seen in public and i'm cringing just at the thought but Hui seems over joyed by this whole situation. 

"Soojin, smile is it really that hard to be with me" he says this a little upset. 

I fake a smile so if anyone saw it would look like a happy young couple. A few people recongnize us and take pictures which is exactly what the company wants. 

"How do you want me to act Hui, i'm being forced into this whole thing and it looks like your enjoying this. Im only doing this because I have to so don't get the wrong idea." I say this all with a smile on my face. he keeps quiet but I can see the anger in his eyes. 

" so hows Shuhua" he says sarcastically. I want to slap him in the face at the mention of her name. 

" ask her yourself if you want to know so bad." I say through gritted teeth. 

He knows bringing her up will annoy me, he has a cheeky smirk on his face knowing he hit a soft spot. 

" you know the night we broke up, I heard a little rumour about our two best friends." i'm fuming,  I clench my fist trying to control my anger, I know what he's going to say. My knuckles turn white. 

he leans in closer whispering into my ear. 

" your girl kissed kino" 

I keep my face neutral but all I want to do is knock his head into the table. 

"and? Shuhua is an adult, she can kiss who she wants i'm just disappointed she let someone like Kino kiss her" I say coldly. 

"Soojin stop pretending, we both know you care" I continue to ignore him.

"I dont know what you're trying to imply but like I said Shuhua's an adult I can't control her" he just looks at me amused. 

"Okay, so you wouldn't mind me asking her out?"

what the fuck did he just say, he's doing all of this  to mess with me the once kind and sweet Hui I knew is gone. 

"Why the fuck would I be okay with that, you're my ex and she's my best friend and please she wouldn't go near the likes of you" I spit furious. I know I shouldn't react because this is what he wants. But even just the thought of them or her with anyone else kills me. 

"wow, relax. I was only joking. I know Shuhua only has eyes for you" he says with a smile but I know its forced. 

"Hui what are you trying to do, hurt me? annoy me? revenge? what is it. I don't want that, can we just be civil at-least." I say just wanting peace between us. 

he looks at me blankly and than sighs. 

"No I don't want to hurt you.... But knowing your happy without me hurts." he says quietly. 

"Hui, we didn't end on good terms but I still do care about you. I know you don't believe me but I still want us to have some type of relationship where we don't end up hating each other" I reply breathlessly. 

" I dont hate you, you know I still love you but your right I don't want us to end up hating each other"

"Hui, you can't just say you still love me I sigh . lets start over. As friends" 

he rolls his eyes but than smiles, a real smile. 



Soojins Pov 

After me and Hui's "Date" I went to cube to get ready for an interview we have. Today I actually planned a date out for me and Shuhua, I just realised we've never actually been on a first date yet. I plan on asking her out officially, I know we pretty much already go out but i'm still nervous to ask her. 

"Hey Baby" she whispers while hugging me tightly. I roll my eyes but pull her closer smelling her peach perfume. 

" Hey" I reply cutely. my hair style list is eyeing us both annoyed that she has to move around us.

"Go get ready ill talk to you soon" I say, she kisses me on my cheek than smiles sheepishly while being dragged away by her own stylist. I giggle at her behaviour. 


"Im so tireddddd" Soyeon says. 

"Me too" yuqi replys putting her head on Soyeon's shoulder to sleep. we look at Soyeon teasingly, she just pokes her tongue out and puts blanket over Yuqi. 

Shuhua entwines our hands and leans on my own shoulder. 

"You tired?" I ask. 

"No not really" she says. 

" Good, I a-actually wanted to take you on a date tonight" I say only loud enough for her to hear. i'm suddenly nervous. 

" Jinahhhhh" she says excitedly waking up the girls. 

"Sorry" she mouths to the girls. 

"Your taking me out" She says excitedly, squeezing my hands. 

I smile at her antics happy to see her like this. 

"Yes I am" I say teasingly.

"Yayyyyy, im so excited what should I wear?" 

"Wear something casual but nice" she looks around seeing if everyones asleep in the car and than pecks me quickly on the lips. All I want to do is kiss her again properly, I lick my lips contemplating whether or not I should. I probably shouldn't but I dont really care, I lean in a capture her lips tasting her cherry flavoured lipgloss, she parts her lips slightly so I can deepen the kiss sucking slightly on her bottom lip as I pull away. where both breathless, I smile seeing her so flustered. she leans her head forward onto my shoulder shyly trying to hide her face. I quietly laugh at her, finding it extremely cute how shy she can get. 

she looks at me sheepishly making me blush, she kisses me one last time before putting her head on my lap. I play with her hair and just look at her, I didn't think it was possible to ever love somebody like this. But here I am completely and utterly in love with my best friend. 

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