Chapter 2

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Shuhua's POV

"Alright girls were done for the day! Good work everyone especially you Shuhua I can really see the improvement" our choreographer says.

"Thank you,"

I look towards soojin and she nods her head in approval.

Minnie rushes over to me "Shuhuaaaaaa, you did so good today I'm so proud of you" she hugs me and gives me a big kiss on the cheek.
" yah you know only soojin unnie can do that to me" I laugh while saying this, soojin just ignores what I said but Minnie doesn't seem too pleased.

"IM KIDDING UNNIE, stop sulking now and I'll buy you some food" she smiles and quickly agrees.
I feel eyes watching me, I look up to Soojin staring in my direction and she doesn't look happy.

"Jinjin, want to come to eat with us?" She seems less irritated now that I asked her I make my over to her.

" I have to stay here a bit longer and work on some new choreography. I'll get me some food later so don't worry" she says coldly.

"What time are you coming home I'll wait up for you or I could come back here to keep you company, " I say while grabbing her hand, I feel bad she works so hard.

"No shuhua, go home you need to rest and I'm meeting up with a friend later on anyway. So I'll be home late don't wait up for me" She says sounding a lot nicer.

" what, who are you meeting?? Do I know them, are they from the company is it a boy or girl !?!"
I'm jealous and a bit sad that she would rather hang out with someone else instead of coming home with me, but I know I'm acting a little crazy she should have other friends... but She just has to love me the most.

"Shuhua mind your business, now go and rest I'll see you when I get home" she pulls me in for a hug and even though I'm mad I melt right into her.

"Fine, just come home quick."

"Shuhuaaaaa, let's go eat now!" Minnie pulls me and we both say bye to her, all the other members left already so we quickly ran to the van to meet the others.



she's still not home.

should I text her? no, I don't want to annoy her.
But I can't sleep either ill just watch some tv in the living room and wait for her.


I hear footsteps near the front door, unnie's finally home. I get up from the couch smiling about to open the door but as I get closer I start to hear voices. I look through the peephole and its defiantly soojin but she's not alone. A tall figure stands next to her.

"Hui, be quiet you might wake up my members" soojin whispers

"yah it's fine even if they do would that be so bad? you're my girlfriend soojin, they're going to find out anyway"

"we've talked about this. You know why" soojin reply's

I'm holding my breath still In shock how could she not tell me this? I move as fast and quietly as I can back into my room before soojin notices me.

I jump right into bed and act like I'm sleeping, not long after the door to my room opens.

"shuhua" soojin unnie whispers.

I stay frozen, thankfully I was facing the wall so she couldn't see my face.

she walks In and goes to her bed.

you're my girlfriend soojin. His words replay in my mind anger, jealously, envy, sadness, I feel them all right now, it's like they're swirling around my chest crushing my heart slowly, I feel hot tears  rolling down my face and the taste of salt hits my mouth. I shut my eyes tight forcing myself to stop.

she's isn't mine to cry about I remind myself before sleeping.

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