Chapter 17

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"Congratulation babe!" Hui says excitedly, we just won an award which I'm extremely grateful for, all our hard work is really paying off.

"Thanks Hui," I say shyly.

"How about after this I take you all out to get some food and drinks?" Hui says Kindly to me. Guilt that's all I can feel right now.

"Um I'm not sure ill have to check with the girls I think they just want to celebrate with each other" I reply smiling trying my best to sound convincing.

"Yeah, no worries I know what it's like," he says sweetly.

I hear laughing and look across the table to my annoyance it's Shuhua and Kino, I clench my jaw trying to control my jealously. I'm still watching them when I see Shuhua look in my direction, for a moment I'm stunned by her flawless beauty, only left thinking about how pretty she is. She sends me a small smile and continues talking to Kino.

Just a simple smile makes me feel entirely better.

"They really suit," Hui says talking about Shuhua and Kino.

And just like that, I'm pissed all over again.

"What," I say harsher than I meant.

"Don't you think they'd be really good together" Hui questions. I look at Shuhua and Kino and yes I admit, looks-wise they really suit and I guess they get along but nobody suits Shuhua more than me.

"I don't know anything about him so I can't say I think they do," I say coldly.

"Soojin you don't need to protect her all the time, Kino's a really great guy I guarantee it," he says trying to convince me.

I don't care if he's a good guy or not she's mine I think to myself.

"so he actually really likes her," I say curiously. Hui laughs a little.

"is it not obvious? he's liked that girl for so long now, I think he's going to ask her out on a date today. How cool would that be we could go on double dates and she's your best friend and he's mine it just makes sense" He says Happily.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I say getting up in a hurry.

I walk to where Shuhua's sitting and tap her on the shoulder.

"Hey Jinjin what's up," she says nonchalantly. Kino's looking at me as-well but I ignore his presence.

"Can you come to the bathroom with me please?" I say evenly.

She gets up and I grab her hand and hurriedly drag her to the bathroom, once we reach the stalls I pull her in and lock the door.

"Soojin what's wrong," she says concerned.

I don't answer but instead gently push her against the wall and crash my lips onto hers. at first she doesn't respond but seconds later she kisses me back just as intensely. I couldn't take it watching her with him knowing he likes her was driving me crazy and not being sure if she likes him too.

I pull away knowing that we can't take to long or else people would wonder where we are.

"What was that for," Shuhua says smiling.

"I just wanted to kiss you" I whisper.

she smiles and kisses me gently.

"Let's go back," she says.

"Wait" I reply.

She turns to me and waits for me.

"Do you.. like Kino?" I say embarrassed, I don't want to sound insecure by asking this but I have never liked anyone as much as I like Shuhua so I need to know.

She looks at me surprised as if me asking the questions was crazy.

"You know what never mind, let's just head back," I say panicking and trying to move out of the way to get out. She blocks the exit and holds me, I'm trying everything I can to not look at her.

"Soojin look at me," she says. I reluctantly comply.

"I don't like Kino, I don't like anyone besides you," She says smiling.

I smile back relief washing over me, her words causing me to blush slightly.

"You're cute when you blush" she's says seductively, the roles are reversed she's got me right under her thumb I think to myself.

She leans in, but just as she's about to kiss me she pulls away and opens the door leaving me speechless. What a little brat I think smiling.

We walk back to the table, I sit back down next to Hui but pull out a seat so Shuhua can sit next to me as well. Hui doesn't seem to notice I'm back since he's talking to soyeon, I look across from us and Kino and Minnie are both glaring at me. I smile amused by there reactions.

"You're back," Hui says. I just smile and nod in return.

"I was just talking to Soyeon and she asked me and the members if we wanted to go out to celebrate with you guys," he says.

shit really thanks a lot Soyeon I think to myself. Great now not only is Hui going to be with us but so is Kino.

"Oh that's great," I say a little uninterested, I don't want to fake it when Shuhua's next to me.

I place my hand on Shuhua's thigh and squeeze it slightly to try my best to reassure her. She places her hand on top of mine.

Hui continues chatting to the people around us.

Shuhua and I have been chatting and laughing for most of the night I almost forgot that Hui was right next to me until I feel a hand placed on my thigh. I look to my right and He's smiling at me, most girls would go crazy over him but all I can think about is the girl next to me.

"What's up," I say.

"Nothing just seems like I haven't spoken to you all night," he says while looking at Shuhua.

"Sorry, you know how awards shows can be everyone wants to talk to you so it's hard to focus" I reply.

"But you can focus on her," he says a little salty. I'm surprised by his attitude but I don't blame him because he's not wrong.

"let's talk later," I say as I look at him apologetically and squeeze his hand, before getting up to leave with the members.

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