Chapter 32

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Soojins Pov

"Shuhua whats wrong" she won't look at me and I can see she's upset, what the fuck is going on.

"Soojin we need to talk" she finally making eye contact with me, but I don't see the Shuhua I know. She's cold. I let go of her confused by her sudden change in behaviour.

"Whats going on Shuhua" I say scared.

"Soojin I can't do this anymore" im frozen, did I hear her right. I step back in complete shock I want to speak but I can't seem to form words. where both silent for a while.

"Cant do what" I say angrily.

"Us, this, we need to stop. I can't risk my career and the longer im with you the more chance there is of somebody finding out. Lets end this now before its to late." She says, her voice no longer cold I see tears forming in her eyes. She's being serious, it finally clicks that this isn't some sick joke.

"I dont believe you, whats going on Shuhua" I say desperately moving forward and grabbing her arms.

"Believe it Soojin, I-i love you but my career is more important. Im sorry" she says sobbing.

"YOURE LYING" i scream my own tears falling now. She pulls her arms away from me.

"Stop Soojin, where done." she turns and walks to our room, I follow her.

This can't be real, this morning we were completely normal. how could she do this to me?

she's packing her bags hurriedly, she's leaving right now after she's just thrown this bomb in my face. I grab her bag and throw it on the ground, she still won't look me in the eyes she just stands there motionless.

"So thats it than? you're breaking up with me because your scared? we knew this was the risk and you took it, we both took it! Shuhua I love you!" I break down falling onto my knees, my hands covering my face. How could she do this, she promised me she wouldn't leave and here she is.

I feel her arms wrap around my body hugging me tight, even now in this moment I can't help but  sink deeper into her arms. She has my heart, and right now I want nothing more than for her to take it. But instead she's choosing to break it.

"Dont leave me Shuhua" I sob, I don't care if I look desperate or weak. I need her, I want her.

"Im not leaving you Soojin.... But we can't be with each other. Im still here but not in that way" she says her voice cracking.

I push her away from me, i'm angry and hurt.

"you're choosing this over me! Shuhua you never cared before if anyone found out, why now! tell me"


she gets up and picks up her bag that I threw. I look at her panicked, is she really leaving. Wheres she going.

"Shuhua, where are you going" I say, I try to sound angry but it comes out more like a plead.

"Back home, I spoke to the ceo and he's booked me a ticket. im going for two weeks." she says this emotionless.

"Shuhua, if you leave right now i will never forgive you." her backs to me and I can't see her expression. This is my last plea for her to stay.

"im sorry" is all she says before picking up her bag and walking towards the door. Just like that my heart breaks. my eyes are wide and new tears are forming.

I grab her arm and pull her towards me so where face to face.

"I hate you" I whisper, the hurt in my voice evident. Her eyes close and for a second I have hope that she's going to stay.

"I know" is all she says before pulling away and leaving.

I hear the door for the front door close, she's really gone. I sink to the ground, I can't stop the tears. She left me that easily. Did I really mean so little to her that she couldn't even stay.


I dont know how many hours have passed by, im in my bed unable to move. My tears have stopped. I feel numb. the darkness in the room reflecting how I feel.

I look around the room, our room. Everything reminds me of her, our photos on the wall, her bed , her clothes, her perfume is everywhere. I can't stand it.

I get up and throw the picture of us at the wall that we took on our first date, glass shattering. I throw the one we took before debut at the mirror shattering it. More tears, im so angry. Angry at myself and angry at her.

"SOOJIN" miyeon says running into my room. im breathing heavily, Miyeon looks around the room and sees the mess ive made, I make eye contact with her.

She quickly moves to me and engulfs me into her arms. I hug her back just as tight.

"Unnie," I say through my tears.

"She left me" is all I muster before breaking down into her arms.


Soojin 🥺

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