Chapter 23

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soojins Pov

I open my eyes to a sleeping Shuhua, her pale skin and black hair complimenting each other perfectly. She's still cuddled up to me and I smile at the sight, to think not long ago I was too scared to love this girl. I'll do my best to be the person she deserves, I think to myself. I get up out of bed and quickly put on a T-shirt and some shorts and head to the kitchen to make shuhua something to eat.

It's still pretty early so the girls will probably still be asleep. I walk into the kitchen and Minnies standing there with a cup of coffee, she notices me and I feel so awkward. Me and Minnie haven't spoken 1 on 1 in a while.

"Morning," I say monotone.

"Morning" she replies in the same tone. The tension lately between us has become somewhat suffocating. Both too stubborn to bring up the issue which is shuhua.

"You've got something on your neck"

"what?" I reply confused, I start to panic a little at the realisation it's a hickey. Shuhua the little shit.

"So you two are together," she says face blank but I can hear the bitterness in her voice. It's no secret to me that Minnie doesn't want me with Shuhua, so I'm not shocked by her bitterness.

"I don't think it's any concern to you if we are or aren't" I reply heading to the fridge.

"If it involves Shuhua than it is my business, you're not the one who had to watch her cry and breakdown because you broke her heart. I've watched you treat her like shit when all she's trying to do is make you happy. So yes I am concerned because I don't ever want to see her like that again. You don't deserve a person like her." She says right in my face. I'm angry at her but I'm mostly angry at myself because the worse thing is that's she's right. I have treated shuhua like shit, I never put her first because I knew she was always going to be there.

" you think I don't know this? I know what I did was wrong and fucked up, But I'm trying to be better because I love her, I love her more than I've loved anybody before, you might not believe me but I do." I say exhausted.

She looks a little stunned but keeps quiet.

"Minnie, I know you care about her but you and I are friends too so please, trust me," I say exhausted . for the first time in a while she doesn't look at me in disgust, her features soften at my words and I relax slightly.

"Okay... but if you treat her like shit I will step in" she replies, I nod my head in agreement but can't help wondering if her motives are just because she's a caring unnie or.....if she wants shuhua herself.

"Morning," a sleepy Shuhua says while hugging me from behind.

"Morning shushu," Minnie says brightly. I pull Shuhua in closer and look at Minnie her face has grown tense but otherwise, a smile is still there looking at Shuhua. I don't comment but instead, look at Shuhua and kiss her cheek.

"Morning baby," I say loud enough for only her to hear. To think not long ago I hated the word baby but with Shuhua everything that once felt wrong feels so right.

"I'm gonna wake up the girls," Minnie says before leaving the kitchen so it's just me and Shuhua. Once Minnie's gone Shuhua leans in and kisses me sweetly. she sits on the counter and I position myself in front of her.

"How are you feeling," I ask thinking of last night. She smiles at me and wraps her arms over my shoulders.

"Amazing, I told the girl I love how I feel and to top it off I got laid," Shuhua says the last part laughing. I smack her lightly in response.

"Looks like you won't be getting 'laid' as you put it for a while," I say fake pouting moving towards the fridge. I hear her groan and smirk by her reaction. She's such a kid sometimes.

"I WAS KIDDING" she shouts pouting, I just laugh and start making breakfast.

"Stop sulking and help me make breakfast" she quickly gets down and moves happily over to me.


Shuhuas Pov

"Can someone help me film, I need an actor for my short movie" Minnie ask.

"I'll help you film Minnie" I say excitedly, while letting go of Soojins hand.

"Yay! You're perfect for the camera" she says smiling cutely.

I move to where Minnie is but Soojin quickly stops me.

"Yah, I thought you were going to film with me today," she says annoyed. Hm, that's a little weird, I've been helping her all day she didn't seem to care what I was doing until now.

"You don't need my help anymore Jinah I'm just in your way, I'll help Minnie now" I reply back smiling, she lets me go but her face is blank of emotions.

"Okay go," she says and leave to go by Miyeon. Weird she was fine a minute ago, oh well.

"Shuhua should we try those doughnuts over there,l know you like sweets?" Minnie says while putting her hands over my shoulder. I clap excitedly, I've been looking at this doughnut place for a while but I knew Soojin doesn't like sweets that much so I didn't ask.

"YES!" I shout excitedly, she giggles.

"You're so cute," unnie says. I smile back at her happily, grateful to have an unnie like her.

"That will be $12.50," The cashier says. Minnie pays for the order before I can even offer.

"Thank you unnie," I say before stuffing my face, just like I thought amazing!

" you like," Minnie says with a grin on her face. I nod my head and hum in reply, my mouth still stuffed.

"You've got a little something on your face," Minnie says amused. I move my hand to wipe my face but she stops me and instead uses her napkin to wipe the corners of my lips. I swallow the rest of my doughnut and look to see Minnie inches away. I gulp suddenly nervous.

"All done" she whispers. And moves her face away.

"T-thanks," I say coughing slightly to get rid of the edge in my voice.

"Anytime, now come let's go film," she says excitedly.

"Yeah let's do that" I reply.

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