chapter 29

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⚠️ sexual content 👀 ⚠️

Shuhuas Pov

No words were said during the car ride home both ready for each other. We waste no time and practically run to our dorm, my hearts been racing ever since that kiss Soojin the little shit left me hanging dry I just wanted her to take me in the car but she said we had to wait.

She shuts the door and we both head to our room not caring if any of our members were still awake, as soon as we enter I waste no time and close the distance between us with an intense kiss, both hungry for each other, we move to our room. She quickly takes my top off as soon as we enter and I do the same to her without breaking the kiss. Her hands exploring my entire body igniting everywhere she touched, we crash onto the bed still in a trance by each other roughly kissing.

She unbuttons my pants harshly pulling at them, I get even more excited than I was before knowing just how bad she wants me. Her soft hands cupping my breast underneath my bra, I moan at the contact wanting more.

"More Soojin"

She practically rips off my bra replacing her hands with her mouth, she's sucking on my nipple making them hard while cupping the other one, I moan again extremely turned on now. I grind my core onto her thigh while I'm straddling her feeling the orgasm building.

She flips me over so my backs on the bed, I let out a whimper by the loss of contact.

"If anyone's getting you off tonight, it's going to be me fucking you," she says slipping her hand underneath my underwear rubbing my clit. I lift my body unable to control my reactions.

She grabs my face making me face her.

"Look at me, I want to see you," she says seductively slipping in two fingers. My eyes practically roll back feeling her inside of me.

"You like this" she whispers into my ear still pumping.

"Y-yes," I say quietly, barely able to form a sentence she smirks by my reaction and pumps faster. I can feel the orgasm coming, my walls tightening around her fingers.

"Cum for me" that's all it took and I was done. She pulls out but not before licking her fingers tasting me, I look at her completely shocked and shy still a breathing sweaty mess, her gaze on me still sucking her fingers. She moves her face right in front of me.

"Yummy", I had no time to be embraced, Horny all over again. Your turn now Unnie I think to myself.

I smash my lips onto hers tasting hints of myself still, I move to her neck and down to her collarbone tracing my fingers across her skin. I look up and she's looking right at me lust seen all over her face watching every movement I make.

I move towards her breast twirling her nipple with my tongue while still looking right at her, she moans encouraging me and making me wet all over again, I push her down onto her back straddling her.

my lips on her neck while tracing my fingers lightly over her core making her gasp and pull me closer.

"Don't t-tease" she whimpers, I take my hands away from her core and she opens her eyes flustered by the loss of contact.

I smirk before replacing my hands with my mouth, she bucks her hips while placing her hands in my hair lightly tugging. I lift one of her legs over my shoulder and twirl her sensitive area.

"F-fuck" she stutters pulling my hair harder.

I slip in a finger slowly, my hands and mouth moving in the sink.

"More" she groans.

I add a finger and pump faster knowing she's close, I move my mouth to hers my fingers still inside of her.

her fingers scrape along my back as she reaches her climax.

Soojin's still catching her breath eyes closed still in a daze, they flutter open.

"Holy shit," she says smiling lazily. I giggle by her reaction amazed by how beautiful she is right now.

"The maknaes all grown up now," I say cheekily, she rolls her eyes but pulls me closer to cuddle.

"I love you Shuhua"

"I love you too"


Soojins pov

"What were you and Shuhua doing last night," Soyeon says, I choke on my coffee.

"W-what do you mean?" I reply nervously, please tell me they didn't hear us last night. I hear a chuckle to my left from the maknae herself.

"You and Shuhua went out last night?" she says, finally clicking that's what she was talking about.

"OHHHHH yes, yes we just went out for dinner," I say blushing embraced. Soyeon nods her head not paying attention anymore.

I glare at Shuhua who's there smiling like an idiot still on the phone with her mum.

"WAIT WHAT. SHE'S HERE" I hear Shuhua shout excitedly peaking my curiosity to who she's referencing.

"Okay, okay you guys are the best I love you!"

"What's going on shu," I ask curiously.

"Jinjin my best friend from schools here! my mum and her kept it a secret to surprise me" she says happily.

before I can reply she's running to the room to get changed. Who's her friend.


"Hey babe, im just going to the hotel to see my friend from china than she's going to come over for dinner I asked the members and there all fine with it" Shuhua says excitedly.

"Whats her name?"

"Did I not tell you about her? her names Chen we've known each other since I was in middle school. I can't wait for you two to meet, she's actually your age so you should get along" I can tell she's excited to see her and I'm happy she's happy, but I can't help but feel a tinge of jealously. Stop Soojin you're being crazy I remind myself.

"Okay, I'm happy to meet someone thats important to you did you want me to drop you off?" I reply not lying.

she jumps up and down and embraces me in a tight hug.

"Me too! and no worries manager oppa's already here ill see you later" she pecks me and runs out the door. I laugh at her child like behaviour, becoming suddenly nervous meeting someone Shuhua obviously cares about. I mean what if she doesn't like me and says thing to Shuhua. Doubts envelope my thoughts of Shuhua leaving me for somebody better, nicer. I close my eyes and regain myself, no Shuhua loves me she wouldn't do that. Or would she?

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