Chapter 10

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Soojins pov

After eating with the girls I headed to my room, I wasn't in the mood to be bothered right now. Seeing Minnie and shuhua become so close for some reasons really pissing me off.

I'm so used to her paying attention to me all the time now that she isn't I don't know how I feel.

When Minnie said she was taking out shuhua I felt surprisingly jealous, It's usually me taking shuhua out.

I know I shouldn't be I mean she can have other friends,I should be happy even. Now she's not as clingy and that's all I've wanted I think trying to convince myself.

I check the time 9:20 pm it's late shuhua should be home by now. I wonder what they're doing, has she eaten? Should I make her something just in case? I'll text her.

To shushu 💛: where are you?
To shushu 💛: it's getting late you should come home.
To shushu 💛: have you eaten

I stare at my phone waiting for her reply.

From Shushu 💛: still, at the cafe with Minnie be home soon and yes :)

I roll my eyes reading the txt, Still, at the cafe, it's been like 2hours how long does it take to go out to eat.

I hear the front door open "night unnie" I hear shuhua say "night shuhua" Minnie replys quietly.

I grab my phone and quickly put something random on. Shuhua walks in.

"Unnie your still awake," Shuhua says quietly.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep," I say looking at my phone.

"okay night soojin," she says, I sneak a look at her and she's getting ready for bed. I'm curious about what she and Minnie were doing.

"what'd you and Minnie do?" I say trying to act not interested.

"Nothing much just ate some food and talked" she replies nonchalantly getting into bed. Shuhua usually sleeps with me but tonight she didn't even try, I can't help but feel disappointed I look towards her side of the room but it looks like she's falling asleep.

"Night Unnie," she says facing the wall. 

"Night shuhua" I whisper turning my back to face the wall too. She's starting to lose interest in me I think upset, This is why I don't get close to people once I open up and let people see me they lose interest and leave... I thought shuhua was different, this is why I tried so hard to push her away but she snuck her way into my heart and now what I've been afraid of the most is happening. I can't blame anyone but myself though I've hurt her too many times.


Shuhuas pov

I haven't really spoken to soojin today, we've been pretty busy at work so that's part of the reason me and her aren't speaking. I can feel her eyes on me all the time but she hasn't tried to talk to me so I'm not going to go out of my way either, she did make me breakfast though which I was thankful for.

its the day of our party and I'm kind of dreading it knowing ill have to watch soojin with Hui all night, but there's nothing I can do I need to learn to get used to her with him.

I'm at home right now helping Soyeon and Yuqi set up while the other members are getting drinks.

"Shuhua, are you excited?" Soyeon asks nicely.

"Yes, of course, I'm going to get wasted," I say laughing, I wasn't lying I am excited and anxious drinking with the members is always fun that helps ease my tension.

"YES WE ARE" yuqi and Soyeon shout laughing okay maybe tonight won't be so bad I think to myself.


"Were HOME," Minnie says walking in with soojin and miyeon carrying the alcohol.

"shuhua," soojin says, I look up and smile at her " What's up Unnie" I reply.

"want help getting ready" soojin says smiling cutely. That smile, whenever it's directed at me nothing else matters.

"you don't have to jinjin" I reply.

"No its fine well get ready together," she says happily. I smile too, I'm happy it seems like she's putting in some effort but well see how long this last.


Me and soojin picked our outfits and now she's doing my makeup we've been getting along and laughing and the moods good, I hate how happy I am when I'm with her because it always draws me back in.

"Shuhua" Soojin says seriously, she looks a little nervous.

"Yeah" I reply.

"You know I love you right?" soojin says seriously, looking at me. My eyes widen and I'm genuinely shocked, she's said I love you but never seriously like this. My hearts beating so fast I know she might not mean it the way I love her but even as a friend I couldn't be happier.

I jump up and onto her lap and wrap my legs around her almost tackling her in the process. She laughs while fake pushing me off.

"Jinahhhhh," I say shyly but happy. she just smiles and wraps her arms around my waist pulling me closer.

"I mean it shuhua, I know I can be rude and mean sometimes... I'm sorry for that ill try my best to treat you better" she says whispering.

This is all I have wanted an apology and for her to realise it, I hope she keeps her word and tries her best but this is a Start.

"I love you too," I say shyly. she looks up and we make eye contact the tensions high we've had moments before but this feels different this feels real. Her face is slowly moving forward she's close enough I can smell her cherry lipgloss, my hearts pounding she looks up at me than towards my lips while one of her hands move to my face, she closes her eyes and I close my eyes to anticipating her next move, I can feel her warmth on my lips and I know for sure were about to kiss.

But than....

we quickly pull apart and in walk yuqi and Miyeon "HURRY UPPPPPPP" miyeon says groaning while jumping on me.

"YAH GET OFF ME YOUR HEAVY" I shout trying to annoy her.

"YAH," she says than hits me.

"Can you guys hurry up we want to drinkkkkkk" Yuqi says groaning just like the dramatic bitch she is I think amused.

They really just ruined what might be the only chance I have to kiss soojin, now that I think about it was she really going to kiss me?!?!? what the fuck does this mean?

I've gotta get out of this room.

"Okay, were done well come out now," I say gay panicking.

"LETS GOOOOO" yuqi yells, I look towards soojin but she's looking at her phone as if nothing just happened. I need a drink.

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