Chapter 24

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Shuhuas Pov

It's our last day in America and everyone's excited to go home but where really going to miss this place. I blush thinking about me and Soojin and our time here. So many things happened here my heart warms at the memory of Soojin saying she loves me.

I turn my head to look at a sleeping Soojin. So pretty, this takes me back to when we were trainees.


I feel something or somebody move onto my bed, once I realize it's Soojin I calm down. I wonder why she's in my bed, not that I mind.

"Shushu" she whispers nuzzling her face into my chest, I feel how uneven her voice is and it sounds like she's been crying. I pull her in wrapping my arms around her.

"Jin-ah what's wrong," I say worriedly.

"Promise me something" she whispers looking into my eyes, the moonlight lighting up our room and reflecting her perfect face.. what happened I think to myself worriedly.

"Honey, what's wrong," I say again.

"Shu promises me," she says more desperate. whatever she's going to say must be serious, little does she know id do anything for this girl.

"Okay I will, what is it," I say touching her face.

"Promise you'll always love me," her voice cracking towards the end. I'm a bit shocked by her statement, I look into her eyes they're glassy I can see the sadness in them, I've never seen her this vulnerable. I know I shouldn't but I can't help but feel happy that I'm the one who gets to see her like this. She's still looking at me I forgot I still haven't replied.

"Soojin I promise I will always love you," I say just above a whisper meaning it more than she'll ever know. As soon as I say this her whole face completely changes she looks relieved as if me saying that surprised her.

"Thank you," she says quietly. I smile by her confession, I can tell she doesn't want to talk about whatever happened but I don't mind, right now the best thing I can do is be here for her however she decides.

"And Shuhua"


"I love you too"

she falls asleep right after she says that cuddled up to me, her confession, however she meant it left me up all night. all I could do was stare at her, new feelings I've never felt before rising. That's the night I fell in love with her.

flashback end

"Shu," Soojin says waving her hand in front of my face.

"Morning baby" I reply.

"What were you thinking about," she says pulling me closer. I smile at her clinginess.

"Just about when I first started to like you," I say a little embarrassed. A huge smile forms on Soojin's face making me blush even more.

"When did you start to like me," she says interested. I roll my eyes.

"Do you remember that night when we were trainees and you made me make that promise," I say. she looks startled her eyebrows furrow in confusion maybe she had forgotten all about it. I look away sad that she seems to not remember.

"You don't remember," I say quietly. she turns my head towards her but I don't meet her eyes, I thought that night was special but I guess not.

"no, I do," she says breathlessly. I look at her and see the discomfort.

"So that's the night you started to like me?" she says smiling. I nod my head in agreement.

"What happened that night," I say curiously.

she looks towards the window, the atmosphere tense.

"That was the day my parents disowned me" wait for what, I think to myself we just saw her parents not long ago?

"We just saw them?" I say confused.

" where okay now but throughout training, they didn't speak to me once, firstly it was because they didn't approve of me being an idol but also.... they didn't like how close I was to you" Soojin whispers the last part. now I'm really confused.

"Why me?"

"They said that me and you were to close and friends don't act the way we do, at the time I denied what they said and pretended I didn't understand what they meant but deep down I always knew they were right that I had feelings for you" tears start to form in my eyes, not realizing just how hard she had it, my parents always knew about my sexuality and never cared who I was with boy or girl, just as long as they treated me right so my heart aches for her. But also because I was part of the reason she was hurting.

"Shuhua don't feel bad, please. You are the best thing that's happened to me . Even when we were trainees I always knew I had a special spot for you and that scared the shit out of me because I never let people in. But you were the only exception." she says looking at me with so much love in her eyes.

"Is that why you were so cold to me on camera" I reply.

"Yeah, I knew my parents watched everything" Soojin whispers.

that explains a lot, it always felt like Soojin didn't care but she did. I pull her in and kiss her lightly, she depends the kiss while stroking my face. We pull away.

"I love you Shuhua"

"I love you too"


just a short update today a cute little moment between the girl's nothing too special! but hope you are enjoying the story, stay safe everyone xx

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