Chapter 11

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Note: just editing some of my chapters :)

Shuhua'a pov

"SHOT SHOT SHOT" everyone cheers.

I take my 6th shot and everyone screams. After the incident that happened with me and soojin we haven't spoken, as soon as Hui walked in I've been trying to dodge them both. I've decided to just get really drunk instead.

"SHUHUAAAAAA" miyeon yells slurring her words.

"What unnie," I say laughing, even though I give her a lot of shit I do love her.

"There playing spin the bottle and kino told me to come get you I think he likes you," she says slyly.

"Aren't we a little old to be playing spin the bottle I question" I was just about to refuse when I see Soojin and Hui in the lounge kissing. Seeing them still hurts just as much as it did when I was sober. You know what, I'm gonna just let go and have some fun, Kino is really cute not as cute as soojin but he'll do for now.

"Alright, let's go play," I say, Miyeon claps and pulls me into the lounge where everyone is including hui and Soojin. I sit in the circle that's formed, Miyeon and Minnie are both playing and a few other boys from Huis group.

"Our little shuhuas finally growing up" Minnie shouts and miyeon laughs along with her.

"Just have fun shuhua but if you don't want to play you don't have to" she whispers to me.

"No, its fine thanks though Minnie," I say smiling back, "Okay good cause looks like someone has there eye on you," She says raising her eyebrows talking about Kino. I smack her arm and we both laugh.

"Okay, who wants to go first" Minnie shouts.

I look in front of me and Soojin's staring right at me while sitting on Hui, Hui has a huge smile unaware of Soojin's mood change. Looking at them is making me so irritated.

"I'll go first," I say staring right at soojin.

Soojins Pov

"I'll go first," Shuhua says looking right at me, what the hell is this girl doing. She never plays stupid games like this. Is she really just going to kiss some random, not on my watch. I get ready to get up when I feel Hui's arms wrap around me.

"Leave her," He says looking at me.

"let go of me Hui," I say seriously. He loosens his grip.

"Soojin just let her have fun, she's not a kid anymore and also Kinos had a huge crush on her ever since we did idol room let him have his chance," Hui says trying to convince me.
I look towards her and she's just about to spin the bottle when Miyeon grabs it and says oldest first. I'm relieved but still worried, I've never felt this jealous in my life just the thought of someone kissing her right now is unthinkable.

Why am I feeling like this I think frustrated.

'Shuhua, why are you playing this you're too young" I say annoyed, I'm just doing this to protect her I think to myself.

Shuhua looks at me and just rolls her eyes "Unnie, I'm not a kid don't worry about what I'm doing" She says emotionlessly, this pissed me off even more she really just told me not to worry about her. I bite my tongue not wanting to start anything with her right now.

Miyeon spins the bottle and everyone's hyped up especially the boys, I look to shuhua and she's looking at Kino smiling and he's doing the same. I clench my Jaw annoyed.

Miyeon spins and it lands on this random guy he quickly gets up and moves to where she's sitting, they start kissing and everyone's hyped except for Minnie, Minnie pulls the guy off miyeon after they started getting a little too over the top. I cringe at the image.

Hui pulls me close and starts leaning in for a kiss, I turn my head to get a view of what goings-on. He pouts and tries to get my attention but I'm really not in the mood right now.

"Babeeeeeee" He whines I look at him he's so annoying right now but I lean in to give him a quick peck on the lips to shut him up.

Shuhuas pov

Soojins been staring at me the entire time, I'm kind of happy because it seems like she's jealous. Is that a good thing I'm not sure but it means she cares so maybe there's a chance that she likes me too... or am I just looking too much into this.

I look up to where she's sitting but I looked at the wrong time, her and Hui just kissed.

My hopes are gone, she doesn't like me. How stupid am I, of course she doesn't like me I've been deluding myself into thinking she might like me back. She has a boyfriend who's perfect, she doesn't want me, not the way I want her.

The kiss we nearly had must have meant nothing, it was just another little game she wants to play just like when we were in the kitchen she never was going to do it she just wants to mess with me.

I push those thoughts away and instead focus on the game, time to just have fun I'm gonna do this for me not because I want to make soojin jealous, time to get over her and what a better way than find someone else.

"Shuhua your turn, "Miyeon says excitedly. I grab the bottle smiling, I look to Kino and he's looking right at me. Please land on him I think to myself.

I can feel her eyes on me but I don't even spare her a glance. I grab the bottle and everyone's looking at me, here I go I think to myself.

I spin the bottle and it starts to slow down, please land on Kino I think to myself, it starts slowing down in Kino's area just as I think it's going to land on him it goes a bit further and lands on Minnie instead.

Okay, I was not expecting that, me and Minnie make eye contact and both laugh.

She starts crawling into my direction and is right in front of me, where both smiling "Shuhua we don't have to" she says sweetly.

This isn't what I was expecting but why not "No it fine Unnie" I say, she comes closer and everyone's cheering us on, My heart flutters a bit I've never kissed a girl shockingly so I'm a little nervous.

I grab her waist and she straddles my lap, it feels like deja vu when Me and soojin were In the room we were in the same position.

I shake off the memories and focus on Minnie, she's not Kino but I'm not disappointed. She smiles at me and then leans in, I cup her face and pull her in. My eyes are closed and in just a few seconds her lips are on mine. So soft I think to myself, she nibbles on my lip slightly I part my lips giving her access to deepen the kiss. Things start to get heated when she suddenly pulls away.

I open my eyes and Minnies on the floor I look up and Soojins there, did she pull her off? Soojin makes eye contact with me, oh shit I think to myself she looks pissed.

She grabs me off the ground and pulls me out of the lounge.

I'm in trouble.

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