Chapter 21

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Soojins POV

We just arrived at the airport, despite the late time all of us are super excited and chatty.

"I wonder what the people are like," Minnie says.

"Hot I hope," miyeon says cheekily, we all laugh except for Minnie whos glaring at Miyeon. Miyeon just rolls her eyes and puts her arm over a sulking Minnie.

I grab Shuhuas hand and pull her close to me while giving her a quick peck on the cheek, she blushes slightly making me smirk. So cute.

Our manager comes back after checking us onto the plane.

"Shuhua, sit next to me," Minnie says cutely. I unconsciously grip Shuhuas hand tighter annoyed by Minnie. Especially because they've kissed, plus the whole Kino drama.

But I know I can't control what Shuhua does I remind myself. Shuhua hasn't replied but looks at me.

"Sit with her it's fine," I say trying to be genuine. she looks at me wearily.

"I don't care Shuhua plus We have plenty of time to hang out at the hotel," I say this time smiling for real.


"Stop staring daggers at Minnie," Miyeon says playfully. Where both seated on the plane and it's been 2hours since we left Korea.

I never knew I was the jealous type until Shuhua. Before I never cared who my boyfriends hung out with.

"whatever" I reply back coldly. Miyeon just looks at me.

"You don't need to worry about Shuhua, she's always going to pick you. I don't think I've ever seen someone love a person as much as she loves you" miyeon says quietly.

My heart warms hearing that and knowing shes right. I look in Shuhuas direction and admire her effortless beauty.

"Why would I worry, I don't care who Shuhua is with," I say nonchalantly. can't have my reputation ruined.

Miyeon snickers at my remark "Please Soojin, you're just as obsessed as she is, you just hide it, I know you care" she says.

I'm taken back by what she said and blush slightly embarrassed. she wants to play that game.

"Id says the same about you and Minnie, you seem....... A little to close" I say smirking.

"Yeah we are" she replies confidently. so her and Minnie really do have something going on, that makes me feel better about Shuhua and Minnie.

"knew it," I say referring to her and Minnie. She quickly glances towards Minnie and then leans in a little closer.

"Well, we....we actually dated."

"YOU WHAT," I say a little too loudly gaining the attention of the people around us. I bow my head saying sorry.

"You dated?" I say quieter this time. I thought that maybe they liked each other I wasn't expecting this, how could I have been so oblivious!
I note that she said dated does that mean they don't go out anymore.

"Yes.. we started dating just before we debuted, but we broke up about 3months ago" she whispers the last part.

I'm speechless that entire time they were a couple and none of us had a clue. Thinking back I guess the signs were all there if they had been a girl and a boy people would have definitely thought they were dating. So they broke up. I wonder why.

"What happened," I say softly. She sighs and starts playing with her hair.

" for a long time I had really struggled with the feelings I had for Minnie, I'm ashamed to admit because of this I hurt her. But over time there was no denying that I loved her and she loved me even after everything I did, so we started dating," she says a little breathless. I nod in understanding, going through that exact phase. I hate just thinking about it, remembering all the hurt I caused her.

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