chapter 31

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Shuhuas POV

"Hey, what's up," I say casually.

"Sit down please," he says monotone, I've never really taken him seriously as the others do, I know I'm his favourite.

"sure thing boss man"

He finally looks up from his computer. For the first time, I'm suddenly nervous being in here, the look in his eyes making me shift uncomfortably in my chair.

"Someones informed me about some interesting news," he says leaning back in his chair. my entire body freezes, a cold sweat covers my body. up until now, I had almost forgotten that he could find out, what does this mean if he has.

"By the look on your face I'm assuming it's true," he says still no emotions.

"I dont kno-"

"DONT LIE TO ME!" he says slamming his fist onto the table, I flinch by his reaction. after his outburst he quickly regains his composure as nothing happened. I'm scared out of my mind right now.

"I'm sorry for reacting that way, but shuhua dont lie to me," he says cunningly. I gulp.

"I-its true," I say not being able to meet his eyes. he sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Listen here, this is what's going to happen. you're going to break up with Soojin you're going to make it seem believable enough and not a word about this."

I dont care who he thinks he is but there's no way in hell I'm doing that.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to agree to that," I say coldly.

He clenches his jaw but otherwise doesn't react.

"I thought you might say that, if you don't do as I've said I will not only kick you out of this company but also Soojin, I will make sure no one hires her or you. Your names will be ruined. The only reason I haven't already kicked you out of this company is that the fans like your group so be thankful I'm even letting you stay." he says this like its nothing, I now know why he is where he is. they don't call him ruthless for no reason.

I'm crying, everything was going so well, we were so happy being together no more secrets no more drama just us in love. This is going to devastate her, and our promise, I made a promise that'd id always stay, I would always love her. if I do this she'll never forgive me not after everything she told me. But this is her dream, her life, she can't just throw it away for me. I dont know what to do.

"Can I at least tell her we can't be together because of the company?" I say through my tears.

"No, because I know Soojin she's strong-headed and won't let this happen. You both are talented but I can't risk losing her, she's the key to your group and my company's future success."

"If you're so scared of losing her than let us be!"

"I can't, Shuhua You have two options, I don't want to lose either of you but I will because this relationship could ruin many things. I know you're going to hate me but I'm doing what's best for you and her. If you end it then you both can still have a career and do what you have always dreamed about, its the price you have to pay for success."

"OPPA PLEASE! please no one will find out about us I swear the public will never know, please Oppa dont make me do this." I say sobbing now.

"Shuhua please stop crying, I would have let you be together secretly but there are photos of you and soojin kissing this is the only option," he says firmly but I see the sadness in his eyes.

"P-photos? where, who told you this!" I scream.

he pulls out an envelope and right there are photos of me and Soojin kissing in the dance room. My heart drops at the realisation, there's a proof now even if we wanted to deny it we couldn't anymore.

"We have it under control, the person who took these works here at cube so legally if they were to exploit these we could sue them. So for now the situation is under control but I can not risk it. My company can not handle this type of scandal, so please Shuhua do as ive said" he sighs, stress evident on his face.

"Who is it," I say coldly. I know who but I need him to say the name.

"Shuhua its not impo-"

"WHO IS IT!" I shout.



that stupid jealous fucker.

"Shuhua you have a 2 week break coming up, I can book you a ticket back home so you can stay there for the time being. Now will you do it?"

more tears, if I dont do this not only will my career be over but so will Soojin's. And he's right she wouldn't let this happen if it was her, but I can't let her sacrifice so much for me. I can handle her hating me, ill be broken but I have to stay strong for her.

"I'll do it" I whisper. Relief is seen on his face.

"Im sorry Shuhua, I really am i've suspected you two for a long time now but I let it be, but now people are watching and I can't risk it, i'm sorry its come to this"

"Book me a ticket tomorrow"


I get up to leave not bothering to continue the conversation.

I walk out and see the one and only Hui, hes watching me with a smirk on his face. I dont say anything but instead punch him square in the face. hes on the fall holding his nose.

"You piece of shit! you couldn't handle that she didn't love you so you do this, you're pathetic you got what you wanted where done, but trust me when I say this she.will.never. love you." I spit the last part right in his face.

with that I leave a walk back to the dorm to many emotions swirling around. I reach our dorm rooms door, my hands hovering over the handle. Im shaking, I know she's here. I take a deep breathe in and gather the courage to walk in. No ones home besides Soojin.

She's in the lounge on her phone, once she sees i'm here a huge smiles plastered on her face breaking my heart even more.

She gets up and hugs me.

"Hi baby" she says cutely to my face, her arms over my shoulders. I can't look at her and she notices.

she lifts up my chin, I try to avoid eye contact but anyone could tell ive been crying.

"Shuhua whats wrong" she says worriedly.

I have to do this I remind myself. I have to.

"We need to talk Soojin"


whats going to happen next.

Dont hate me guys.

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