Chapter 4

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Soojins pov

text message
from Hui💜: Hey babe we finished early today so looks like we can hang out I'll pick you up soon xx

shit, I was hoping he was going to have to work late. Miyeon texted saying they'll be home soon, maybe I can quickly see him and then hang out with her later.

No, I can't, I promised Shuhua. I'm sure he won't mind I can just see him tomorrow, but would he be mad if I say its because I want to hang out with her instead. I'll just make something up I decide.

To Hui 💜- Hey you guys must be working hard to finish early I'm so proud of you! but some last-minute things came up with the group so I'm going to be busy all night sorry xx

I do feel a little guilty but I mean I'm sort of telling the truth.

from Hui 💜- that sucks! I really wanted to see you, I miss you but I get it, how about we get lunch or something tomorrow?

To hui 💜 - yeah I know I really wanted to see you as well, and yup lets get lunch I'm going to be at the company tomorrow so we can meet up than xx

just as I sent the message shuhua and the girls come walking in laughing.

" Unnie it clearly said don't touch!" shuhua says

"Yahh, I didn't see it! who writes a sign that small" Miyeon says sulking

"your just stupid," Minnie says smirking

Miyeon comes and sits down next to me " What happened?" I ask slightly intrigued.

'" We got kicked out of the art museum because SOMEONE doesn't know how to read!" Minnie shouts.

Miyeon gets up and chases a laughing Minnie into the other room.

I laugh as well, Miyeon sure is something.

" Miyeons so stupid sometimes," shuhua says smiling. I look at shuhua and smile she's so pretty I think to myself.

"Unnie, here I got you this" she says while pulling something out.

I look at it and its my favourite ice cream, mint chocolate chip.

"its still your favourite right unnie?" she says while handing me it, she's so cute!

"Ngawww thank you shuhua and yes it is my favourite" I reply.

"okay good cause Miyeon tried to say it was vanilla but I knew I was right" she says matter of factly.

"of course you know you're obsessesd with me" I say laughing

"Yah, shut up you love it" she says cheekily.

your not wrong shuhua I think to myself "sureee, I say and roll my eyes. What movie did you want to watch tonight anyway?"

" uh miyeon and Minnie wanted to watch a movie with us aswel, ill tell them to come and we can all pick one" she says and leaves before I can say anything.

Im a little disappointed that its not just me and shuhua. As much as I complain about her she is still my favourite, I learned to like her clingingness don't get me wrong it did annoy me at first but now I just find it adorable.
We decided to watch the new avengers movie Minnie insisted. I'm not the biggest fan but I don't really mind.
"I'll make popcorn" Miyeon shouts.
"Can you bring me a coke to please!" Shuhua shouts.

She sits down on the couch I'm on but sits on the far side away from me.

Why is she acting like This? Did she really lose interest in me that fast, all these years she's been stuck to me and out of the blue she's acting cold.
Maybe I should have been nicer to her, but she knows thats how I am so why now!

"Shuhua" I say loud enough for her to hear.

"Yes soojin?" Shuhua says looking at her phone.

Shuhuas pov

"Yes soojin" I reply trying to act not interested, Ive been trying to distance myself from soojin.
But it's been so hard especially when she's giving me so much attention.
I keep wanting to distance myself but she's reeling me back in, I've slipped up a few times today but how could I refuse her, she even canceled her plans which made me secretly so happy. But I have to keep reminding myself not to fall back into my old ways, she's not mine to love.

"Come here" she says cutely while opening her arms up for me.

She looks so adorable right now, how can I refuse. I crawl between her legs and lay on her, she wraps her arms around me than puts a blanket over us and starts to stroke my hair.

In this moment I forget about everything and just enjoy it.
"I missed you today" she whispers into my ear.

She missed me?
"You did?" I say playing with her hands.

"Yeah, lately I feel like I haven't seen you at all" she whispers.

I feel bad am I doing the right thing, I'm still her friend it's not her fault I like her.

" sorry JinJin" I whisper

"Don't be sorry just don't forget about me you punk" she says smiling.

I turn my head so our eyes meet "unnie, you know I could never forget you."

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