Chapter 13

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Soojins pov

we walk out of the room me holding shuhua's hand, Miyeon comes out of nowhere and pulls Shuhua away to the dance floor. I just smile and leave them to get a drink.

"What was that soojin!" Minnie asks me walking behind me sounding irritated.

"what do you mean," I say playing dumb.

"You just made a scene and now your acting like nothing happened," she says pissed.

I know she's right but she doesn't need to get involved, me and shuhua sorted it so no need for drama.

"Looks its nothing me and shuhua are good," I say turning to leave.

"Leave her alone Soojin, I know what you're doing," she says loud enough for me to hear over the music.

Leave her alone? whats she talking about.

"Excuse me? " I say angrily.

"Don't play stupid Soojin, anyone with eyes can tell shuhua likes you, you know this to so stop whatever game your playing and leave her alone" Minnies replies sternly.

"I'm not playing any game, I care about shuhua more than you even know so stay out of our business" I reply backthe tensions rising, who does she think she is telling me to stay away from her.

"If you cared about her you'd stop playing with her emotions, you have a boyfriend don't forget that," she says then leaves pushing me slightly.

I'm left standing in the kitchen, dumbfounded what the hell am I doing. she's right I have a boyfriend, but then I see shuhua and nothing else matters. I look to the lounge where she's dancing happily with miyeon and my heart melts at the sight seeing her happy.

The last thing I want to do is hurt Shuhua while trying to figure out my feelings for her.  What if us being anything more than friends ruins everything we've built, there's no denying the connection but she's my best friend first.

I look at her again we make eye contact and she gives me the biggest smile, my heart skips a beat I smile back just as widely. Even though I want her I shouldn't have kissed her, especially when I'm in no situation to commit.

"There you are I've been looking for you," Hui says hugging me from behind, I quickly pull away from him knowing shuhua might be looking.

I feel bad this whole time I didn't even notice he was gone. "Hey," I say a little coldly.

"Are you alright, you looked pretty mad when you left?" he says concerned. I look to where shuhua was and she's gone. Shit, I think, " no I'm fine now I was just worried about her where okay now," I say.

"oh okay cool want a drink? " he asks.

"Yeah sure, ill be right back I just need to quickly do something," I say leaving him before he can reply.

Okay, where did Shuhua go? I look in the lounge our room the bathrooms but she's nowhere.

" Miyeon where'd shuhua go?" I ask a little panicked.

"Kino and her were talking but IDK where they are now" she replies slurring.

So she's with Kino I stop pacing around and just sit, I should just let her go what am I even doing chasing her. Maybe Kino's a good choice for her, she deserves to be happy. All ill do is hurt her.

Shuhua's pov

Its the day after the party and I am so hungover, me and kino ended up talking all night I couldn't stay at the party for long after seeing soojin and hui together. kino he's a really sweet guy I think if I didn't have feelings for soojin me and him could be something. I know he had a crush on me but I let him know I like someone else and he completely understood and still chose to just hang out with me.

My minds still foggy about last night, it doesn't feel real that me and Soojin kissed.

The party was a big success everyone enjoyed themselves when I came back to my room Soojin was already In bed thankfully. I don't know what's going to happen, last night she's the one that kissed me and made the first move. Does this mean she likes me or was she just bored? I'm going crazy thinking about it, I have so many questions.

she kissed me I think smiling I know I shouldn't be happy but I've liked her for so long who wouldn't be. I look to her side of the room she looks so cute, I get out of bed and crawl into her bed I know things might be awkward but I still want her.

she's half asleep but pulls me closer so I'm lying on her shoulder with my leg wrapped around her.

"Unnie," I say quietly. she hums in reply.

should I ask her questions now, ill just start simple?

"Did you have fun last night?" I say casually. I look at her and she opens her eyes, "Yeah I did wasn't too bad" she says tiredly.

So I guess she's ignoring the fact that we kissed. 

"Shuhua," she says

"Yeah" I reply

"I had a great time," She says looking at me, I smile and she smiles back. So she had a great time does that mean that's all she wants, am I just some fun...

she touches my face and I subconsciously lean into her Hand.

"Soojin can we talk about last night," I say shyly.

She sits up slightly hovering just above me, she leans in and kisses my cheek " can we talk about that later " she says stroking my hair.

"I just want to ask you one question," I say looking at her.

she nods

" Do me"

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