Chapter 20

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Shuhuas pov.
I came home late after the party I wanted to give Soojin some space, when I walked into my room I was relieved to see Soojin here. At least she didn't leave and stay somewhere else I thought to myself.

I sit on my bed exhausted from tonight's events. My first reaction was to hurt her first before she hurts me, I'm just so insecure with her. when I saw her with Hui again I thought the worse, and was scared she would choose him.

I look towards her and feel regret about what I did. She said she was going to break up with him and I didn't believe her, but how could I not doubt her our whole relationships been a crazy roller coaster of emotions. Plus she's had a boyfriend the entire time, of course I'm going to be insecure.

But she proved herself, I know now for sure she really does like me and the only thing stopping us from happening is me. I know it's risky but I'm going to let her in 100% this time, if she breaks my heart it's a risk I'm just going to have to take. Hopefully, she comes around soon. I get into bed and take one last look at her before forcing myself to sleep.

"Wake upppp," miyeon says.

Ughh, her voices making my head thump.

"Miyeonnn, go away I'm tired" I reply still sleepy and a little hungover. I hear faint laughter.

"Shuhuas its 12:45 you need to get up and pack, or did you forget where leaving for America tonight!" Miyeon says excitedly.

My eyes shoot open when she says that.

"NO WAY THAT'S TODAY!!" I say panicked and excited, shit I think to myself I haven't packed a single thing.

"YES idiot, now hurry up I'll help you pack your things".

I look around the room and Soojins nowhere to be seen, I get anxious remembering everything.

"Miyeon wheres Soojin," I say quietly.

She looks at me sadly, by now I'm sure she's figured out somethings going on with me and Soojin.

" she went to visit her parents" miyeon replied. I just nod.


"Finally, all done!" Miyeon says tiredly.

"Thanks, miyeon," I say cutely, she gets excited and try's to hug and kiss me.

I push her off pretending I don't like it, she's always so affectionate.

"So cute," she says trying to squeeze my cheeks. Where both laughing than in walks Soojin. We both quickly stop and things get quietly awkward as the tension builds. Miyeon looks at me sceptically and then gets up to leave, now it's just me and Soojin alone.

Soojin hasn't even looked in my direction. I'm just awkwardly sitting on the floor, I need to talk to her.

"Soojin," I say just loud enough for her to hear. I feel my nerves rising.

She doesn't look at me, back facing my direction packing her clothes.

"What," she says with no emotions. I shriek at her tone, this is scarier than when she yells.

"Can we talk, please?" I say pleadingly. She pauses packing her clothes but still doesn't face me.

No reply.

I can't stand this, I get up and move to her.

I touch her lightly, when she doesn't pull away I turn her to face me.

She can't meet my eyes, I don't think I've ever seen her this upset before. The usual cold, strong Soojin is gone. Her eyes are teary and my heart aches to see her like this knowing I'm the reason.

"Soojin please," I say almost begging. She finally makes eye contact. Before I can say anything she talks.

" Shuhua, I... knowing you... kissed someone else, I didn't think it would hurt me this much. -she closes her eyes looking frustrated. I told you I was going to break up with him, he kissed me not the other way around. I knew then I couldn't wait any longer and I broke up with him just like I told you and than you pull some shit like that!" She says now getting mad.

"Look soojin when I saw you two together... all my insecurities came out. You've got to understand that you've picked him over me before, - I say upset.

"When I saw you and him together again ,kissing, it just brought me right back. I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I say exhausted.

She turns around facing me, her face has softened from my words.

"Shuhua.....look from now on no more games, no seeing other people, and especially no kissing other people." She says the last part gritting her teeth.

I sigh out of relief.
" I know in the past I haven't treated you right... but I promise I'll always put you first" she says sincerely.

I didn't know I could love Soojin more than I already do, but every day with her I find new ways to love her.

" I promise to do the same, and I swear I won't kiss anybody else," I say laughing a little. She looks up meeting my eyes fiercely, okay maybe I shouldn't have done that, I think nervously.

She steps closer moving me backwards. I hit the end of the bed and fall into a sitting position. She moves her face inches away from my own, she puts her leg between my thighs. I suppress a moan by the contact.

"Nobody else is fucking kissing you," she says right in my face, I know she's mad but I can still see the lust in her eyes. Possessive Soojin is hot as fuck I think to myself enjoying this side to her a little too much.

" I-I won't, " I say weakly barely able to string a sentence along. I can't take it, I lean forward smashing our lips together. She matches my intensity just as quick, I tangle my hands in her hair pulling her roughly closer. She pulls away and starts kissing me on my neck. I moan at the pressure she knows just where to go. She nibbles lightly on my pulse point and sucks right after, I know that's going to leave a hickey. She knows that too. We kissed for a few more minutes before we broke apart. Soojin in a sitting position on my lap. God, I love her I think to myself.

"Let's get ready were leaving soon," she says a little out of breath. I just nod, she pecks me on the lips softly and gets up. America here we come.

So I'm not sure if I should write  full on s*x scenes 👀 comment if I should or not! 😂

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