chapter 25

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Soojins Pov

We've been back in Korea for a couple of days now and everything's amazing. Our songs are out and a lot of people like them, I smile thinking about me and shuhua and how far we've come.

I'm heading towards our CEOs office since he called me in.

I walk in and I look up to see our smiling CEO.

"Morning Soojin"

"Morning Oppa" I reply.

"You're probably wondering why I called you in, I just wanted to check in with you and Hui, how are you two?" He asks. My heart skips a beat and anxiety starts to creep in. I forgot to mention to him that we broke up, I don't think he's going to be too happy considering he just approved us.

"Well uh a-actually... we just broke up," I say nervously. I look at his face and he has a blank expression, ugh shit I think our CEO is a kind man but when it comes to business he can be ruthless.

"That is unfortunate, I'll cut to the chase than because we have made you and Hui a public couple it would look bad if only a few weeks later you two break up. I don't care how it happened but for our company's imagine you and Hui will be a "couple" go on dates, be seen at awards shows etc, you don't need to be together but for the public imagine this is what we have to do. This isn't optional either, you and he knew what going public meant so now you will be sticking to it. I will update Hui and his manager and let you know what the plan is that is all" he says evenly.

I'm stunned I don't know how to react, I know I can't fight him on this and I did know the consequences. I can't do anything but agree. My heart hurts at the thought, I also don't think shuhua is going to react well to this news either, were finally in a good place and this happens.

"Oppa, I understand....can I ask how long where going to have to pretend"

"As long as needed" all I can do is nod my head, I stand up to leave.

"Soojin, you and Shuhua are close"

My backs facing him luckily or else he would see the look of horror on My face. The way he said it puts me on edge. I calm myself down and put my best Soojin doesn't care attitude on.

"Yeah we are, she's like my annoying little sister to be honest," I say without missing a beat.

"Why do you ask Oppa?" I reply with a smile.

"Oh, nothing...... I'm just glad the Maknae has someone to look after her" he replays suspiciously.

"No need to worry about her all of us are taking good care of her! If that's all I'll be heading back to practice"

"Yes that is all, have a good day"

"You too"

As soon as I'm out of his office I finally take a breath, the way he said are me and shuhua close.... it was so suspicious he's never asked me that before, I need to calm down I'm just overthinking everything. Of course, he doesn't know how could he know.


"UGHHH" someone grabbed me from behind and scared me.

I look behind me and it's a laughing Miyeon.

"MIYEON WTF," I say genuinely mad, I walk away.

"Wait, soojin" I ignore her, today's not the day to be fucking with me.

"Soojin I'm sorry it was just a joke!!"

"Go away Miyeon I'm not in the mood," I say coldly.

"What happened I saw you come out of his office"

"He asked about Hui and said we have to fake it for the public," I say exhausted.

"No way! That sucks I'm sorry Soojin" she says sincerely.

" so now I have to act all happy couple with Hui and we didn't end well, not to mention shuhua" I reply exhausted, I'm already stressing about having to tell Shuhua everything.

"Don't worry like he said it's all fake so a few outings shouldn't be that hard and shuhua will understand, she will probably go a little crazy but she will understand."

She's right, I just don't want to hurt her again. I'm sure it's going to be hard seeing me and Hui together even if it is fake.

"Let's head to the dance studio," I say.

Soojins pov
"5,6,7,8 let's go, girls, last time"

"Perfect, let's finish here," soyeon says, we nod our heads and pack up.

"Hey guys, me and Soojin are gonna head home a little later so don't wait for us," Shuhua says I furrow my eyebrows a little confused but don't argue.

They all just nod there heads to tired to wonder why.

"Soojin what's wrong you've been quiet all practice," shuhua ask close to my face. I'm looking down at her and she's looking at me concerned, she's so cute.

"Nothing" I whisper, she sits down and pulls me onto her lap. I turn away embarrassed by how close we are.

"Don't lie, now what's wrong" she turns my face to look at hers. I have to tell her.

"So today-"

"Hey babe" we both look to the door and Huis standing there with a smug look. Oh for fuck sakes Hui.

Shuhuas grip tightens on me, I look at her but she's glaring at hui and he's doing the same.

"Hui Shutup, shuhua what I was trying to say is that I and Hui have to..... pretend to go out again"  she looks pissed.

"You're breaking my heart over here don't sound so sad," Hui says sarcastically holding his heart smiling. I turn to look at Hui warning him not to play around. He rolls his eyes I notice he glances at the position me and Shuhua are in and for a split second I see hurt on his face but he quickly masks it.

"What's going on," Shuhua says coldly.

"CEO Oppa knows that Hui and I broke up.... but since we went public only a few weeks ago he thinks it would be a bad imagine so he said that we have to fake it in the public eye," I say this cautiously while looking at her.

She's not facing me but I can see her jaws clenched and she has a cold expression on her face.

"I'll let you two talk I'm going home," shuhua says without looking at me. I grab onto her quickly not letting her have a chance to get up.

"No. Don't go me and Hui can talk tomorrow," I say this looking at Hui so he gets the hint. He looks mad but doesn't argue.

"See you tomorrow babe," he says with a cheeky smile and leaving the room.

I'm gonna need to have a chat with about his attitude.

I look at Shuhua and she's not making eye contact, I can tell she's upset and it hurts knowing that I've pulled her into this mess all over again.

"Baby" I whisper into her ear.

"Soojin.......if..... if you hurt me again with him where done" she says while a teardrop slides down her face.

My poor baby, seeing her like this makes me so upset.

"Shuhua, I love you. I only love you, you're the only person I have ever said that to. I promise you that will never happen, I'm so sorry I dragged you into this mess all over again" I reply nearly in tears.

She looks at me and I see just how vulnerable she is.

"Okay..... I know it's not your fault this whole situation sucks, but just the thought of you and him.... hurts"

"I know baby, I know but you'll be there the whole time nothing goes over you, no secrets I swear" she nods her head and leans in to kiss me.

"I love you" I whisper.

"I love you too"

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