Chapter 35

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Soojins pov

"The ceo he made me"

I'm gonna kill him.

She explains everything, the meeting, the photos and Hui.

Hui, I was so wrong about him. Yes I hurt him, but to do this to out us like that is disgusting. She should have told me, but it makes sense now everything. But I understand she was trying to protect me, she's strong I don't think I could have done the same thing and the ceo knows that.
These men all trying to control us for there own sake never thinking about anyone else.

"I'll fix this" I say.

"Soojin, please I don't want you to throw away your entire career for me. I'm not worth it" shuhua says looking down.

I lift her chin up so where face to face.

"Don't ever say that again, shuhua you mean everything to me." I say sternly.

I lean forward and capture her lips, god I've missed this. I slip my tongue in feeling everything I've missed. She doesn't resist but instead leans forward more pulling me closer.

We pull away, our foreheads still touching our breath in sink.

"I'm going to talk to soyeon, she'll know what to do"

"Soojin she might be mad, she doesn't know about us. What if she sides with the ceo." She says panicked.

I laugh. That girl is as gay as we are I think to myself.

"Don't worry about her, where family all of us and her and Yuqi are together so trust me she won't judge us"

"I knew it" shuhua says with a smile.

Her smiling makes me smile, my heart completely and utterly belongs to her and I'm no longer scared to admit it.

"Now let's go home, I want you" I say with a smirk.

She blushes at my comment but quickly gets up.

"Well don't just sit there let's go" she says hungrily.


Where lying in bed, she wasn't gone long but I've missed her so much I never imagined myself caring about someone so deeply. But here I am a massive simp for this pain in my ass.

She's laying on my chest, where both out of breath. She looks up at me and I feel so much love.

"Let's get ready, she'll be home soon" I say playing with her hair.

She nods her head and leans forward to peck me on the lips, I blush tasting myself on her lips.

"You're blushing" she teases.

I roll my eyes and push her away.

"Hurry up, let's shower" I say getting up embarrassed.

I hear her giggle and her footsteps following me.


"Okay so what did you want to talk about" soyeon replies, where in her room.

I explain everything, she listens closely.

"That piece of shit, both of them" soyeon spits angrily.

"So you're not mad" Shuhua says timidly holding my hand.

"Of course not, I've known about you two for a while now and also these walls aren't that thick. She says smirking.

Shuhua blushes I just laugh. Me and Soyeon have actually talked about everything, not many people realise that where extremely close, after shuhua of course I'd say soyeons my closest friend.

"Just leave it up to me girls, I'll sort this out the ceo's not the only one in the company that has power"

She can sort out the ceo, I'll handle Hui.

"Im going to the company now, I'll let you know what happens" she says getting up.

"Thank you" we both say, she smiles sweetly.

"Don't forget where family, I've always got your back"

"I know and same here"


Soyeon's pov.

"Hello soyeon, what brings you here?" the ceo says nervously. I smirk, he's such a pussy.

" I spoke to a few of my members and they've told me some interesting things" I casually state. He stiffens at my words.

"Shuhua? I'm assuming" I nod my head.

He runs his hand through his hair.

"I should have known she couldn't keep her mouth shut" he says angrily.

"She shouldn't have to keep her mouth shut, I am the leader you should have never put her in that position" I reply coldly.

"You must understand I have to protect this compan-"

I cut him off.

"We both know you're only trying to cover your own arse, now here's what's going to happen. You know I know everything that goes on here and not to mention I'm a asset this company can't afford to lose. So leave my members to there own business and I'll forget that you have disrespected not only my girls but me." I say confidently.

He stays silent.

I get up to move closer to him.

"Don't forget I know all your little secrets, and the company's" I say almost a whisper, the threat in my voice evident.

He clenches his jaw knowing I could take this entire place down.

"Fine, but keep them in check" he says pissed off. I smirk at my victory.

"Don't worry about that, but I'll be expecting Hui to be kept under control and anyone else in this company that threatens my team"

He nods his head.

"Thank you ceo" I leave letting myself out.

Text message

Yuqi 💛: hurry up I miss you.

I smile at the text.

To Yuqi💛: be home soon, just sorting some business out.

Time to go home I think happily.


Daddy soyeon? 👀🤪😂😂😂😂

Thanks for the support on this book, keep safe and happy! Hope y'all enjoy this chapter.

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