Chapter 16

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Soojin's POV

"Shuhua it's not a choice because ill always choose you," I say meaning every word. She smiles back at me still teary-eyed. 

"Stay with me," Shuhua says pleadingly holding me tight.

"I'm not going anywhere I promise" I reply facing her. All I want to do is kiss her but I'm not going to do anything until she's ready.

But one thing I'm sure about is that I'm going to break up with Hui, I've kept this relationship going way too long. I was afraid to admit my feelings for Shuhua so I stayed with Hui to try and ignore them but that obviously didn't work.

"Soojin," Shuhua says.

"Yes" I reply

"Kiss me" she whispers.

I don't hesitate and lean in. unlike the kiss we shared at the party this one is soft and tender, I feel the love through every movement.

Her lips are slightly salty from the tears still but quickly disappears as the kiss is deepened.

No kiss could compete with this right now, every doubt I had is wiped. The feelings I have for Shuhua out way everything. We both pull away a little out of breath but both smiling shyly.

"Shuhua I like you," I say holding her.

"I like you too" Shuhua replies.


Shuhuas pov

I wake up cuddled into Soojin, last nights memories rewind in my head. I blush thinking about our confession last night, she admitted she liked me I'm still not 100% sure if last night was real.

All the heartache I've felt was worth it, to know she feels the same for me I'm overwhelmed with emotions. I look next to me and see a sleeping Soojin, she managed to wrap her legs and arms around me almost suffocating me but I couldn't be happier.

She's finally mine.....But than Hui pops in my head, now that I know she likes me what does this mean for them? is she going to end it with him, does she like me and him? I stop and calm down and instead enjoy this moment, the girl I love likes me back ill forget about everything else just for a moment.

"I can feel you staring," Soojin says with her sexy morning voice. I laugh a little knowing she's right.

"What, can I not look at you?" I say teasingly.

She opens her eyes now facing me.

"I was going to say don't just stare, kiss me," she says seductively. I look away from her now blushing, I'm still getting used to us being so upfront now. my heart like always skips a beat.

I hear her giggle a little, she pulls my face gently so where eye to eye, our lips are inches apart.

"You won't," she says enticingly, her warm breathe touching my face.

HOW IS SHE SO HOT, I scream to myself.

I quickly close the distance between us and kiss her, she grabs my hair and pulls me closer to deepen the kiss. I move my body so now I'm on top of her, her hands delicately caress my body sending chills throughout my entire body.

I've kissed people before but nothing has ever come close to this, her lips smother mine fighting for dominance, driving me crazy, she moves her mouth and places soft kisses on my neck moving just below my ear where my weak spot is, I moan slightly But stop feeling a little embraced but Soojin instead kisses me passionately . We pull apart both out of breath.

"Let's not get to carried away," Soojin says panting slightly still holding me, I nod in agreement, I'm a little disappointed but I know she's right. Not to mention I'm still a virgin...

"Soojin, what about Hui," I say hesitantly.

"I don't want to be your side piece or whatever you cal--" I'm cut off.

"I'm breaking up with him," Soojin says without hesitation. I was taken back, I didn't expect her to just break up with him straight away. I'm happy that she is, even though I don't know him I know what we're doing isn't right.

"Really? " I say.

"Yeah, I should of a long time ago I knew we wouldn't work out I was just staying with him to hold on to an idea of what I thought was right. But no more, I just don't know when I'm going to because tonight we have awards and he's my date..." she says.

ugh, I forgot we had that tonight, and of course they're going as each other's dates, it's still taboo to date as Kpop idols but our company is really trying to be inclusive and open, so them going public was a statement of sorts.

"Don't be sad, ill talk to him tonight after the awards show I promise?" she says. I nod my head and she pecks me on the lips.

"Let's get up and ready for today," Soojin says.


Soojins POV

Where at the award show today and our company seated us next to pentagon. I'm really not looking forward to this, Hui's been texting me all day and I'm trying my best to sound normal but it's so hard and I feel bad as well.

Me and Shuhua are walking to our seat hand In hand, this isn't an unusual sight to see so I'm not bothered. I see Hui and he's looking right at me with puppy dog eyes. Guilt starts to eat at me, he looks so happy to see me.

But then I look at Shuhua and I know I made the right choice, she's everything I have ever wanted and more. I squeeze her hand reassuringly.

"have fun," she says a little bitter letting go of my hand, I feel bad that she has to go through with this but its just one day. We haven't defined whatever we are but I know that she's the only person I want to be with right now.

"Soojin, come sit here," Hui says pointing to the seat next to him.

"Hey, babe," He says sweetly.

"Hey" I replied back trying my best not to sound too harsh. I look in shuhua's direction and she's sitting next to miyeon and to my distaste Kino. All I want to do is be by her right now, but instead, I'm stuck here.

"You feeling okay?" Hui asks looking concerned, more guilt I think to myself. Why'd I have to drag him into this for so long, he's too nice.

"Yeah, I'm alright just not feeling too well," I say trying to cover up, now that I've been with shuhua I don't even want to be around him, faking this is going to be a lot harder Than I thought.

Just for tonight, I think to myself, looking towards Shuhua...just for tonight.

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