Chapter 30

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Soojins pov

Text message
From Baby💛: be home soon I've got some takeaway, did you want anything jinjin? xx

I smile remembering shuhua changing her name to baby not long ago.

To Baby💛: okay hurry I'm hungry 🥺 and no thanks I'll eat whatever you bring xx

From baby💛: okay see you soonnnnnnn ☺️

30mins later

The door opens and I hear laughing, I know one of those voices so I'm guessing the other is her friend Chen.

"Wow she's really pretty," miyeon says while sitting next to me. I look up and can't disagree, she's stunning. She has similar features to shuhua, long black hair fair skin but her eyes and nose are different.

Yuqis the first to get up and greet shuhuas friend and the rest of the members follow, I see shuhua scan the room to find me and once she does she runs over pulling me by the arm.

"Chen, Chen! She says impatiently still greeting the others. This is soojin" shuhua says presenting me as a prize. I giggle and nudge her teasingly.

" hi, I'm soojin," I say with a smile, shaking her hand.

"So you're the famous Soojin?" She says smiling. I tense at her words and raise my eyebrows towards Shuhua.

"I've seen a lot of videos of you and shuhua, You're even more beautiful in person," she says wrapping her arms around shuhua.

Shuhua slaps Chen on the arm and glares at her.

"What was that for!" Chen says rubbing her arm.

"She's mine so go smooth talk someone else" shuhua walks over back hugging me. Cute I think.

"Still the same shuhua, I remember you were like that with me. You still haven't changed" she says teasingly.

I tense up hearing her say that. Shuhua was like this with her too.

"Stop embarrassing me!" Shuhua says fake pouting.

"Wait so Shuhua has always like this!" Yuqi says amused.

"hahaha yes she was like that in high school I just thought it was cute," she says pinching Shuhuas cheeks.



"Your Koreans so good!" Miyeon notices.

"My dads Korean so I learnt when I was young.

The girls continue to talk to Chen, I try my best to ask her questions but I'm not in the mood.

"Are you alright" shuhua whispers while rubbing my thigh under the table.

"I'll tell you later" I reply smiling so she can relax. She nods her head but now she's entwined our hands making me relaxed.


"So nice meeting you! Come back anytime" soyeon says and we all wave goodbye, shuhua walks her out.

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