I Almost Had You

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It was 7am, That morning I had a phone call.
It was about a death in a strip club.
It had started.. and I was ready.

I knew this was jaxon's doing.

He had been quiet since I moved in opposite him, Our paths hadn't even crossed yet.

I had just been waiting for him to fuck up.

I was sat there cocky as shit, I not going to lie.

I had his girlfriend downstairs making me breakfast.
She had finally had enough of that fucking loser and came crying to me, I had known she would eventually.

It was only a matter of time before he lost her.
She was too good for him.

After Ria had made me a back sandwich and coffee in bed, I got myself ready for my day at the bureau.

I walked out of my door and guess who I bumped straight in to.

Fucking Angelo, He looked at me and you could see the shock on his face.

He spoke cautiously "Detective KATIE Ryder." He emphasised my first name.
Ria always called me Katie.

"I should have fucking guessed.
hows my ex? You should hear the shit she said about poor pathetic Katie." He smirked at me.

He was trying to get inside my head.
I wasn't about to let him.

I pursed my lips and then answered him. "she's still soundly asleep in my bed. She kept me up allllll night." His face dropped.

I was lying of course, nothing had happened between Ria & I, not yet anyway.

Jaxon shrugged it off
"You're only as good as the woman you're fucking right Katie?"

Fucking Prick!

I was done with him.
"How about you fuck off to work and I'll go and find a way to have you for this murder that was committed last night."

"Try all you want darling" cane his reply.
"I was with my brother all night."

I knew that it was bullshit.

I saw him leave at 6pm last night.
But fucking Ezra would cover for him, A dying man has no fears.

Perverting the course of justice is child's play for a dead man walking.
I never did like Ezra.

Ria had told me he was ignorant and rude as Fuck to her.
I hadn't  told Ria abour Sofia.

I didn't want to be the one to break her heart..

As I walked into the meeting there was a face in the wall, The name 'Ryan Jopler' was written underneath.

Detective Roades took the floor.

"This is Ryan Jopler, he has confessed to the murder of Miss Harley Golds at Fantasy Girls strip club last night"

Fuck! Jaxon wasn't my guy. I was livid.

Roades continued
"We have footage of him entering the club at 8:15pm and leaving, Covered in blood at 10:09pm."

'Doesn't mean it was Harleys blood' I thought to myself.

Roades held up a paper
"After taking DNA samples from Mr Joplers clothes, We have managed to match the blood to that of the recent deceased Miss Harley Golds"

FUCK! so it wasn't Angelo.

Roades wasn't finished
"Mr Jopler cannot recall the events of the night.
He claims to have blacked out, He can only recall waking up over Miss Golds body covered in her blood.
The victims death was strangulation.
We believe he attacked her with a set off car keys after she had passed."

He didn't remember the crime.
He didn't do it. I knew it.

I knew it was Angelo and I had to get proof.
I walked out of the room and headed to my office.

In my office I pulled up the CCTV footage from Fantasy Girls the night of the homicide.

Angelo was on the screen, Leaving the club.
It was 9:457pm.
I had the fucker now.

I took this evidence straight to my superior.
I demanded they had Jaxon In For questioning.

"I know it was him!" I said sure of myself.

Sanders didn't look impressed. "He left before the time off death Ryder."

I didn't care. "He strangled her. He took Jolpers Keys and attacked her with them and then left Jopler in the room with the body. That's the only explanation!"

Sanders laughed. "Go home Ryder. You're done for the day."

Can you fucking believe it?!

Why would no one listen to me!

I had enough for one day.
I got in my car and went home.

Ria was back from work when I arrived home.
I needed to talk to her abour Jaxon.
See if anything was going on when she lived with him.

I entered the kitchen "Hey gorgeous. How was work."

Ria looked over and smiled "It was amazing, I stopped a 2 year old from choking to death. There's no better feeling." She was amazing.

I nodded and poured myself a coffee.
"So how are you feeling about things with Jaxon now?
You're welcome to stay here as long as you want.."

She gave me the cream "Thank you so much Katie. I just can't cope with him and his drinking. It's too much."

I took the cream and put it in my coffee before I handed it back to her.
"So did he ever hurt you?"
I wanted to know as much as she would tell.

Ria put the cream away. "No never, such a gentle man."

Like fuck he was. "Oh.. No domestics at all then?"

Ria frowned. "No none, just the drinking."

She knew I was questioning her but I couldn't stop.
"did he disappear a lot? He wasn't home when I first met you."

Ria shook her head
"No but I the past couple of weeks he had been awol a lot."

I knew it! He was back to his old tricks.

I felt for her. "You're better off without him. Find a nice new man.. or woman." I smirked

Ria laughed "I knew that was coming, I'm gonna go shower."

She was into me.
I could tell but she was just playing hard to get.

When she went to shower I got a text

Sanders; we have video evidence of Jopler killing Golds.

Ryder; Send it to me.

Fuck.. My phone pinged.

He sent me the tape.
Jopler was in the parking lot.
He strangled Golds and then proceeded to stab her with his car keys.

I was wrong.. or was I?

I looked out the widow and I couldn't believe what I saw.

It was Sofia Rose! And she was pushing a pram.

I had to text Officer Pluto.

Ryder; When did rose get out?

Pluto; About 3 weeks ago. Why?

Ryder; How was she when she left?

Pluto; Pregnant and scared.

I didn't text back. That was her child. And Angelos.

That's why he was awol lately.
He wasn't killing people he was being a daddy to his teenger girlfriends baby.

My mind was doing overtime.
Maybe he paid Jopler to kill Golds?

I wasn't convinced he had nothing to do with this.

I was going to get the truth one way or another..

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