My Daughter Screwed Me Over

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I followed Jaxon down the hall way, I ran at him with the knife above my head and then... Nothing. It went black.

I opened my eyes for a few seconds, There was a woman standing over me, Saying she was doctor and she had to save lives. I blacked out again.

I woke up to what felt like 1000 knifes stabbing me from all over my body, I tried to breathe but my mouth was filling up with water.. I was in a lake of some sort. There was a boat driving away from me.

I screamed for help but the driver hadn't heard me.

I had to try to swim to shore, It was either that or drown, It took all my streght to swim out of that water.

I sat on the side of the lake, shivering, I had no phone, I couldn't call anyone.

I began the long wall back home, I had blood dripping from the back of my head.

I didn't remember much of the walk, it all seemed like such a blur, like I was there but I wasn't.

Once I got back to my house the front door was open, Smit wasn't staying with me at this point.

We had fucked a few times but then he disappeared. He told me he had a wife and left. I wasn't too bothered.

I went to the kitchen and cleaned myself up.
I tried to patch up the cut as best as I could.
I wasn't going to the police.. I was going to figure this out myself.

I grabbed a bottle of wine and glass and headed to the livingroom, I took a seat on the sofa.

I remembered I was going to kill Jaxon.
I remembered running at him, but something stopped me, someone else was there and had attacked me.

I only hoped Sofia didnt have anything to fo with my attempted murder, My own daughter couldn't and wouldn't have done this to me surely.

I wasn't sure how long I was in and out of consciousness for while sitting on that sofa.
But when I felt more myself I looked for my phone, I wanted to text Sofia, but it was gone.

So I went to Sofia's house.. I walked in and stood at the bottom of the stairs.

Jaxon saw me standing there, he looked like he had seen a ghost.
I suppose to him he had. I turned and walked away, I was going to torture the guy.

From what I could make out, This doctor had thought she had killed me.

She tried to bring me back, when it didn't work Jaxon had told her to go and he had drove me out to the lake alone and threw me in.

The doctor gave me CPR, she did get a pulse back, but in the state she was in she had forget to check my pulse again when she stopped the compressions.
so they both thought I was dead.. I wasn't.

I went back to the house a few times, just to make sure my daughter and granddaughter were okay.

Did sofia know she was living with a murderer?

I mean I guess she did because she went to prison for confessing to murders, which now I was sure were his work.

I left my house, I went to stay in a motel instead.

I wanted Jaxon to fully believe I was dead.

I wanted Sofia to know I was alive but one morning in the motel I turned the tv on, my name was all over the news, My phone was found at the lake, A suicide note was found with it, They showed the note.

I couldn't believe what I saw, it was sofia's handwritting.

My own daughter had faked my suicde to protect that disgusting man of hers.

I couldn't believe she would do that to me after everything we had been through.

I got myself a new phone and Smit was the only person whos number I had, It was written on a note on my fridge.

So I put his number in my new phone and text him

Jessica; hey its Jess

Smit; Thought you were dead.

Jessica; guess not.

Smit; well shit me, what you gonna do?

Jessica; havent decided yet. my daughter screwed me over.

Smit; thats gotta suck, call me if you need anything,

Jessica; isn't that pretty little wife of yours a therapist?

Smit; Lucy? Yeah

Jessica; if you dont want her to find out about your affair then you will get her to see Jaxon, find out everything, I need to know it all.

Smit; I'll see what I can do. And don't threaten me. you're already legally dead so I wouldn't think twice about killing you.

He was definitely a relative of Jaxon's.

Jessica; nice chatting to you as always.

Jaxon had fucked with everything, He had taken my daughter, He had stopped me seeing my graddaughter, He had set fire to my house, And tried to kill me.. But yet there he was living his perfect little life.

I decided to mess with him more.
I got the earrings I was wearing the night he tried to kill me and put one in my pocket, then I walked to the graveyard.

I walked around for a while until I found Ezra's grave.
"You were a good guy, I wish my daughter had fallen for you instead of your toxic brother" I said to him.

I leaned down and placed the earring on the headstone, hopefully Jaxon would find it and freak the fuck out.

I heard Jaxon behind me, He shouted, it made me jump. "What do you want!"

Shit, my cover was blown.

I turned to face him, smiled at him, and then turned around and walked away.

He looked terrified, He was 100% sure he was tripping, my plan was working perfectly.

I mostly kept my head down and just stayed in contact with Smit.

I didn't want Sofia to know I was alive, not after what she had done.

I got a text from smit

Smit; you will never believe what Lucy found out.

Jessica; what?

Smit; meet me at starbucks in a few days. details to follow

Jessica; okay see you then.

what did she know?
I really needed to find out.

I hoped she had found something good on Jaxon.

I went to bed thinking all sorts of things, was Sofia going to leave him? would I have my baby back? she was worth so much more than him.

The next news story I saw shocked me.. 'Sofia Rose in prison after smuggling drugs in her baby's nappy.'

oh Sofia.. What have you done..

How could she use her own child to smuggle drugs. This was not the daughter I knew and loved.

I didn't know what I was going to do but all I did know was that I needed custody of my granddaughter.

I didn't want her being left with jaxon.

And at that moment I didn't want Sofia anywhere near her either.

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