One Day At A Time

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As soon as I got home, I saw that Sofia had opened my letter.

She didn't have any rights to open my mail.
I hadn't made her an honest women out of her yet.

I went upstair's to see if she was upstair's, She was no where to be seen.

I went into Ezra's room to check on him and to see if he had seen Sofia..

"Hey ezra, You alright?" I asked him.

Ezra nodded "Yeah.. everything okay?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Oh yeah everything is okay, haven't seen Sofia have you??" I asked curiously.

"She left over a few hours ago, her mom collected Ezmaya and she gave me a cuddle and headed out." He replied.

I left his room quickly, wondering where she would of gone when she said she was tired.

She had let her mother take our daughter!!

I quickly checked our closet, The red outfit I brought her was gone and her make-up wasn't all out.

I knew straight away where she was, I googled the nearest strip club.

There was one that was called fantasy girls. That must be it.

I got in my car absolutely pissed out my face, As usual these days, And spend the whole way there.

I was going to kill her!

when I walked inside the club, I went straight to the bar and asked where the new girl was.

The barman told me she was in room 8, Ans that I had to wait my turn.

wait my turn! I wasn't waiting for jack shit!

I stormed down the corridor to room number 8 as swung the door open.
You should of seen her fucking face!

There was a man in the room with her.
He was over her.
I just saw red.

I grabbed the man threw him across the room and punched him in the face.
It must have been hard because I heard his nose bone snap.

I had no doubt in my mind that I was going to kill him but the little pussy, But of course he legged it out the room so fast.

I let him go. I had to deal with sofia.

She went to say something, I was in no mood to listen.

I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder's and stored straight out of there.

The car journey was silent she said my name a few time's but I ignored her.

When we got home I got out the car.

I went into the house she followed in tears.

"How could you betray me like that?!" I shouted at her. "You're a mother now Sofia!"

She was calm. "I saw the letter Jaxon. Your pretty little girlfriend popped around too.
We needed the money what was I suppose to do?!"


Ria had been around, Poor sofia had no idea about anything.

She had seen the bank statement.
She didn't know we was broke.

I couldn't be mad at her, She had done this to try keep a roof over our head because I was a ginormous fuck up.

suddenly I was only angry at myself.. I had gambled a further £20,000 that same day.

"Sofia I'm sorry, I'm a mess, I gambled it all." I said quietly.

"Jaxon we're meant to be together!
You're keeping secret's, I wouldn't have been mad at you. How could I be? I've been in prison for 6 month's.. I'm not angel." She said to me.

I sighed "But even that was my fault! You keep taking the fall for all my mistakes Sofia and it isn't fair. You don't know how far that man would of gone tonight, If I hadn't turned up. I'm supposed to protect you and all I've done is put you in more danger."

She bit her lip "I make my own choices Jaxon, You don't force me to do anything.."

I shook my head "Well if I made the right choices you wouldn't be making the wrong ones."

She moved closer to me "I think you need help Jaxon."

I thought about everything I had been through since sofia turned up at the train station.

I found out my baby brother had terminal cancer, My baby girl was born a month early, My ex girlfriend shacked up with a detective that was trying to put me away. And sofia's mom was making my life hell.

Maybe she was right, I did need help.

"Tell me what to do sweetheart" I begged her. "I'll do anything for you and Ezmaya"

She sat on my lap and gave me a cuddle, This time it wasn't her crying. It was me.

I was breaking her heart.
She wiped my tears and said to me "I'll find you a group where you can go for support about everything you've been through, We can fix this together but you've got to give it your all Jaxon.
If you don't me and Ezmaya will leave for good."

At this point I knew I was going to loose them if I didn't change my ways.

I went to answer her and tell her I would do it but Ezra walked into the room.

He didn't look good...
He went to speak but passed out on the floor.

I don't remember the ambulance ride to the hospital.

I don't remember anything.
All I knew was right at that moment in time I was sat with Ezra on the bed and the doctor was speaking to me and Ezra and Sofia.

She looked at us all
"We have done brain scan's on Ezra and the treatment isn't working, I'm so sorry.
It is eating away rapidly.
I'm sorry but he's got a matter of day's to live the only thing we can do for him now is to make him comfortable and make his last day's count.."

Ezra shook his head "I don't want to stay here, I want to go home.."

The doctor smiled a sad smile.
"You would be better off here Mr Angelo, But we have to respect your wishes."

The doctor asked to speak to me and Sofia outside.

She started to explain to us the way Ezra's breathing would begin to change, when he was in his final hours and gave us a number to call when that happened.

That whole conversation was a blur to me It wasn't sinking in that my baby brother was almost dead.

I thought he would miraculously recover and this would be a bad memory but now I knew he wasn't getting better.

The fact my little girl wouldn't know who her uncle was.

I just broke down on Sofia's shoulder.
I sobbed for, What felt like ever.

Once Ezra had pain medication, Sofia and I were given a care package on how to deal with a loved one in their final days.

We were ready to have our last few days with Ezra.
We booked a Taxi and headed home.

Once we were at home, We took Ezra to bed.

Sofia and I sat in his room with him, Planning how his funeral would happen.

I didn't want to talk about this at all, But Ezra really did and we owed that to him.

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