Cut The Shit..

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Kyle had been staying with us for a few days.
Oh my gosh was he fucking hot, I dont know what I had expected.. But it wasn't him.

I think when I saw in the ad that he was a tech major at university, I expected a dorky short chubby guy. But this was 6ft of pure hotness.

I loved jaxon with all my heart, But I was allowed to look at other guys, Right?

I remember back in the day, I used to stalk everyone on social media.
Let's just say if I had looked at his profile, I wouldn't have moved him in. 

I knew Jaxon felt weird about having a super hot guy around but he knew I only had eyes for him.
Kyle didnt even compare to my Jaxon.

It was a friday morning, And the first day Jaxon had been off work in I don't remember how long.

We decided we had got a little bit of extra cash so she would take our princess to the sea life centre for the day.

Jaxon had to pop to the corner shop to grab some baby wipes, So I decided to go put Ezmaya in the car.

Kyle came into the hall way while I was putting Ezmaya in her carseat.

"You alright Sof?" He asked politely.

I looked up and smiled. "I'm good kyle you?"

"I'm good darling" He smiled "I'm just heading out to uni"

I finished strapping Ezmaya in "Oh, have a good time."

Kyle chuckled. "It's uni Sof, It's not a good time"

I laughed a little "That's true, Don't suffer too much then."

Kyle walked out the door.

I have to admit I looked at his ass.
Like I said, I can look.

"Your mommy picked a hot lodger didn't she" I said to Ezmaya who giggled at me in response.

She might be daddy's double but she's got her mommy's taste.

I picked up her car seat and headed out to the car.

Once I had put Ezmaya in the car and strapped her in, She began to get upset.

I found her dummy in her changing bag and went to give it to her.

I dropped it and it fell under the drivers seat. "Isn't  mommy clumsy" I said to her as I lent down to grab it.

Reaching around I felt something else, It wasn't the dummy.

I pulled a plastic bag out from under the seat and inside was a phone.

I took the phone out and pressed the home button.

My picture popped up on the screen.. It was my moms phone.

Why had jaxon got my moms phone? Where was my mom? I didn't understand.

I put the phone in my pocket and grabbed Ezmaya back out of the car.

I wasn't going anywhere until I got to the bottom of this.

Ezmaya had fallen asleep so I put her in the living room in her bouncer and shut the door.

I sat in the kitchen and waited for Jaxon to get back From the corner shop.

A couple of minutes later I heard the door open and Jaxon walked in.

He checked the living room and then came into the kitchen.
When he saw me his face dropped, He could tell I wasn't happy.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" He asked cautiously.

I nodded. "Jaxon have you seen my mom?"

"Your mom?" He looked panicked.

I looked at him "Yeah.. She's just popped to the toilet she will be back in a second."

His face when white.

I fucking knew it.
I took the phone out of my pocket and held it up to him.

"Where the fuck is my mom Jaxon?!" I demanded to know.

Jaxon began to stutter "I haven't, I didn't... I dont..."

I was livid. "Cut the shit. Where is my mom!"

He looked down. "I'm so sorry Sofia.. She's.."

I knew what he was going to say.

I couldn't and wouldn't hear it..

She was my mom, The most important person in my world.
The only one that had been with me through everything.

I just broke down and cried.
Jaxon came over to me and went to cuddle me.
I pushed him away hard.

"Don't fucking touch me. I hate you." I screamed at him.

I saw the look on his face.

I saw the moment his heart broke,But  he had to understand it from my point of view.

How the fuck would he feel if I had went up to Ezra's bedroom one night and killed him.
I was livid.

"How the fuck would you feel if you came home from work and I had killed Ezmaya?!" I screamed at him.

Jaxons face hardened. "Don't ever say that Sofia, Ever.

"You keep killing fucking everyone Jaxon! You  ruined my life! You put me in prison and now you've took my mom away from me. How the fuck am I meant to react."

Jaxon tried to justify it. "It wasn't me it was Ria."

Oh wow.. He had teamed up with his ex girlfriend to kill my mom.
Did this man have no fucking limits.

"Oh so you and your ex killed my mom?! Fuck you jaxon. go to hell."
I got up and stormed upstairs.
He stormed off out the house, I hoped he would never come back.

I sat in my bed and sobbed for what felt like ever.

A few minutes later Jaxon came into the bedroom, Ria followed.

I was fuming. "What the fuck Jaxon, get her out of here now."
I wanted to kill the bitch.

Ria spoke to me. "Sofia please.. I need you to listen."

I didn't want to listen but I didn't really have a choice.
Jaxon was standing in front of the door and Ria was talking anyway.

"I went out for a run, I saw Jaxon in your moms house, She was standing by the window and she had a knife behind her back. Your mom attacked Jaxon, I didn't want to hurt her but I had no choice." Ria said sadly.

Jaxon moved. "You can go Ria."

She looked at me "I'm so sorry Sofia" She said as she walked out of the room and left.
I was still fuming.

Jaxon came and sat on the bed next to me.

"I went to thank your mother for the money for the funeral. She turned on me." He said quietly.

"How? Why? She wouldn't do that." I defended her.

"She did sweetheart, I swear on our daughters life I didn't want to hurt her." He looked at me.

His eyes were full of tears, I had really hurt him, and I suddenly remembered my moms threat to Jaxon, That she would kill him if she felt like she had to.

"She was my mom Jaxon, I can never forgive you for this..." I said to him coldly.

"Do you hate me?" Jaxon asked.

"I don't know.." Was all I could say.

Jaxon got up and left the room.

I didn't see him for the rest of the night, He might have slept in the nursery with Ezmaya, I wasn't sure.
I didn't care.

I just wanted my mom..

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