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Sofia has been in prison for a full 24 hours.
I was fuming, Because  of that little rat Kyle, My future was now behind bars again.

The fact she was not going to watch her daughter grow, The fact she we stupid enough to put her daughter through that.
It wasn't just on Kyle either.

I didn't know the Sofia that was living with me anymore, She had really disappointed me. And now I had got to raise Ezmaya all by myself.

The heartche I would feel when she started to asked for her mommy.. She couldn't even have a cuddle from her.

I had decided that I would only take  Ezmaya to the prison once and that was it.

I couldn't put my baby through seeing her mom behind bars. It wasn't fair.
I couldn't put Sofia through having to say goodbye to her daughter over and over again.

The anger that keep running through my veins was bringing the old Jaxon back and no one liked the old Jaxon!

Actually the old jaxon would kill women for fun, This time all I wanted to do was make Kyle suffer so much.

I was called into work early that day so I asked Freya if she could babysit Ezmaya for me, Since she had been the only friend Sofia and I could rely on.

She said she would so I got Ezmaya's things together and dropped her to Freya house.

'I don't know how Sofia does all the parenting because it's been a day and I'm loosing my hair I swear to god.' I thought to myself as I got in the car and headed to work.

I didn't even know how I was going to focus on work when I couldn't get Kyle off my mind.

We had a 2 year old boy in that day.
Ashton, He was left inside a black bag.
We didn't know if he was dead or alive before his murder put him in that bag but my god that was the most awful thing to do to a child.

The anger got worse I couldn't concentrate.
I had to tell them I couldn't deal with a child so young down to the fact I had my own child.

It just made me so angry, Why would anyone want to hurt a child or put them in danger that brought back what Kyle did.

He had made my Sofia take her daughter into a prison put  her in danger.

I went and threw up in the toilet.
I really Didn't feel like myself.

I texted Freya asking if she could have Ezmaya abit longer, I said work was making me stay late.

She was great for Ezmaya, Just what we needed. She was the only one Sofia trusted and I was happy leaving her with my child.

I grabbed my coat and headed to my car, I drove to the nearest alcohol shop.
I needed a quick whiskey just to take the edge off.
'I haven't got Sofia here telling me I can't drink anymore because she was a hypocrite.' I thought as I sat and waited outside of Kyle's university.

I was waiting to make my move.
I wasn't sure what I was going to do when I saw his face but it was not going to be pretty.

This would be the last time I ever killed again.
I had got my daughter to think about now, She needed at least one stable parent in her life and that was going to be me.

It had been 3 hours I have been waiting there and still no sign of Kyle.
I decided to drive around looking out for him and just like that I found him.

He was on foot, I followed behind him  in the car and watched where he was going.

The poor bastard was sleeping down an alley way!
'That's what you get for fucking my fiancé' I thought to myself. The anger was rushing through me.

I put my hood up and got my pen knife and followed him down the alley.

It was cold and wet tonight, it had just gone 6. Already getting dark.
No one was around it was too cold and wet.

I walked up behind him and stabbed him 3 times in the back before he even know what was happening.

He fell to the floor and I picked him back up and showed him my face.

"You fucked up my Sofia's life" I shouted at him.

Kyle smirked, blood coming from his mouth "You are just mad I fucked your fiancé in your house."

I kicked him down to the floor.
He was just laughing at me.
I thought 'what a waste of space, He is just a smack head living outside on the streets, no one will care if he dies. He's a sad sad looser that likes ruining young peoples lives!'

I started stabbing him over and over.
I couldn't control it, He wouldn't stop laughing at me even in his final moments.

It all became a blur, I looked down at him.
There was a pool of blood, He wasn't breathing. "Definitely aren't smiling now are you bellend." I said to him before I ran as quick as I could back to my car my heart was beating rapidly.

I couldn't risk getting caught. I had Ezmaya to think of.

'I killed a bloke' I thought. It felt different from killing my dolls.

It felt wrong, I didn't enjoy it.

I threw up in my car.
That was the day I decided I didn't want to kill anymore.

I headed home to get cleaned up and have a shower.

I felt really bad and unsettled about what I had just done.
All I wanted was Ezmaya.. The house was so empty I didn't like it.

I got in my car after shoving a sandwich down my throat hoping that would help me to stop feeling sick and headed to get Ezmaya.

I walked up to Freya's door and knocked.

As soon as she answered I grabbed Ezmaya and held her tight.
I didn't want to ever let go.

Freya looked at me "She's been golden, Are you okay?" She sounded concerned.

"I'm not feeling too good." I brushed her off.

"You don't look great if I'm honest.." Freya pointed out.

"Will you come live with me? I mean us?" I asked her.

Freya didn't look sure. "Uhm.. I don't think that's such a great idea Jax"

"Why?" I was confused. "Ezmaya loves you and you will be a great help to me please I wouldn't ask if I was desperate?" I practically begged her.

"Did you ask Sofia?" She frowned.

"I will tell her next time I visit her, So is that a yes?" I smiled at her.

"Err.. Sure. I'm doing this for Sofia and Ezmaya okay?" She looked at me.

I was glad she was willing to help.

"That's brilliant I'll come collect your things tomorrow, thank you again it means a lot." I said as I hugged her. She nodded.

I headed home with Ezmaya.
I laid her next to me in bed, I didn't want her to leave my sight.
"I know mommy said don't put you in the big bed but it's just for tonight" I told her.

She was so beautiful she looked just like her mommy.

"Goodnight my little sweetheart."

I kissed her on the forehead.

I looked out of the window. "Goodnight sweetheart.. We love you so much.." I said to Sofia, hoping she was thinking of us too.

Ezmaya and I both fell asleep.

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