Back At It...

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It was 3pm and I was falling asleep.

Ezmaya had been awake half of the night!
I didn't know what was wrong with her But she really wasn't in a good mood.

Jaxon was at work.
Ezra had been up half of the night puking.
Poor guy, I just wanted to take away his pain.

I text my mom

Sofia; Could you have Ezmaya for the night please? x

Jessica; Of course baby, I'll be there in half an hour.

Sofia; Thanks Mom.

I got out of bed and threw on some clothes.

I needed to sort everything out for when my mom arrived.

Ezra wanted a cuddle with Ezmaya, So I left her in his room with him and headed downstairs.

I made up some bottles and sorted an over night bag for my mom to take.

While in the kitchen I saw a letter on the counter addressed to Jaxon.

It was from the bank.
I opened it and read it.

He was broke!
He had no money in his bank, He was over drawn.

We had saved so much for Ezmaya, I didn't know what to do.
I grabbed my phone and called Jaxon.

Jaxon; hey sweetheart.

Sofia; You've got a letter from the bank, It looks important.

Jaxon; Right... stick it in the draw I'll open it later.
His reply seemed cautious.

Sofia; Alright. Ezmaya is staying with my mom tonight.

Jaxon; The fuck? Why? I shouldn't have had a say.

He was pissed. But I was pissed at him for not telling me we were having money problems.

Sofia; In case you have forgot, Ezra is so sick right now. The chemo is making him groggy and he doesn't need a baby keeping him awake all night. It's just one night Jaxon. I need some sleep.

I heard Jaxon sigh.
Jaxon: Fine Sofia. Whatever you want. As always.

He hung up.
I thought about calling him back but I really wasn't in the mood. 

I went upstairs and got Ezmaya back from Ezra.

I heard the door, 'that was fast' I thought to myself as I headed down the stairs.

I got to the bottom and there was a random blonde woman standing in the hallway.

"What are you doing in my house" we both said to each other at the exact same time.
Who the fuck was she!

She frowned at me. "Jaxon still lives here right?"

I nodded. "He's at work..."

She looked at Ezmaya and then to me
"so is he your... Uncle? Are you here for Ezra?"

"Jaxon is my baby daddy, and yes I'm here for Ezra, and for my man." I said to her.

She still hadn't told me who she was.

"Jaxon has a child? That makes sense.
I'm Jaxon's ex. We split up a couple of weeks ago. I just needed to get some stuff. No worries." She turned around and walked out.

I was in shock, I almost dropped Ezmaya, Jaxon had a girlfriend?

Why the fuck hadn't he told me. I was livid.

My mom walked in the door and I snapped back to reality.

"You ready to come for a sleepover with nanny?" She said as she took Ezmaya.

I couldn't focus.

"Thanks, bye mom" I said as I grabbed the over night bag and gave it to her.

I went upstairs and talked to Ezra
"I've got to pop out for a while, you gonna be okay?"

Ezra nodded "Of course, I'm not a child Sofia"

He didn't look right.

"Well your nurse will be here in 20 minutes, I'll wait until she turns up." I said.

Ezra laughed "Yes mom.. Being a mom suits you Sofi."
I hugged him and left the room.

I went to my bedroom and started looking around.

There was nothing there that made me think another woman had ever even been in this house.

While I was searching the closet I found a red underwear set that Jaxon had got me when I was staying in the hotel.

I went over the mirror and lifted my top.
My C-section scar had faded so much, it was hardly even there.

I turned sideways.
My stomach was completely flat, I was back to my pre pregnancy body.

I held up the underwear set and sighed.
"Just once, I don't have a choice" I said to myself.

Jaxon had made this my only option.
We needed money and we needed it fast.

I heard Ezra's nurse let herself
In and go to his room, So I grabbed my make up bag and headed out.

I got a taxi to the closest strip club, this one was called Fantasy Girls.

I didn't like the sound of it at all, But I needed the money.

The taxi pulled up and I paid the driver, I thanked him as I got out, stood looking at the door.

I took a deep breath and walked inside.

After locating the manager I introduced myself
"Hi I'm Sofia Rose, I've previously worked at Twinkle Lights, If you want to give Candice a call feel free.
I was just wondering if I could work a couple of hours tonight? And of course I will leave my number in case you need a stand in dancer."

She looked me up and down.
She must have thought she had hit the jackpot with a young girl like me.

All the pervs preferred the younger girls.

"Go and change, I'll see what I can do, take room 8" she said to me and walked away.

Well she wasn't very friendly.
But I didn't need friends I needed money.

I went and changed my clothes, Did my makeup to make myself look as desirable as possible then stood and waited for my first client.

It wasn't long.

10 minutes later a guy walked in.
I had 5 clients within 3 hours, each paid over £500 each.
I had already made £2500.
I was feeling smug.

Then a 6th man came in.

He took a seat on the sofa and I moved over to him.
Began to dance slowly, I felt pathetic. This wasn't me anymore.

I sat on his knee and started to grind on him a little, The clients aren't allowed to touch the dancers.
We do what we're comfortable doing.

But this guy grabbed my tits.
I pushed his hands away and got off him.
I was done here.

He threw down £4000 and said "fuck me and this is yours." I was NOT a prostitute. I refused.

He grabbed me and threw me against the wall, Started to move his hand up my inner thigh.

I didn't know what to do, All I wanted was for Jaxon to kill him.

He leaned in and started kissing my neck, Moving his lips down over my tits.
I tried to push him away but he was too strong, I noticed the panic cord hanging next to me.
It was for if the dancers got into trouble.

I went to pull up but the door swung open.
It was Jaxon... I was fucked.

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