Goodbye Demons

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I got out of the car and walked into the prison,
Ezmaya was in my arms, She was looking around at all the horrible people in this place.

This wasn't the place for her, She shouldn't be here.. And she shouldn't have to see her mommy here.

I decided this would be the last time she saw her mom.

I took a seat, Ezmaya was babbling away.

Not long after, Sofia came out and took a seat.
I passed Ezmaya over to her, She cried as she cuddled our baby.

I couldn't believe what I was about to say to her, but she spoke first..

"I miss her so much, But I don't want her to come here again Jaxon." She said quietly.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked.

"I dont want her to see this as normal, She should never set foot in a prison. i can't see her again, I hope you understand.." she had tears running down her face.

I did understand, and I was so glad she had said it herself.

I didn't want to be the one to destroy her world.
I loved her more than anyone could ever imagine, Seeing her in here was killing me, I wasn't strong enough for this.

I reached across the table and took Sofia's hand
"I will wait for you, No matter how long you are here, There will never be another for me.. You're my everything and I still swear I will make an honest woman out of you Sofia Rose."

I didnt give her time to answer, I got up and left.


I watched Jaxon as he walked away from me.
I wiped the tears from my eyes and walked back to my cell.

As I looked around at the 4 small walls, I had to accept this would be my life for the foreseeable future.

Molly walked into my cell, She wanted to start an argument. "Whats wrong princess, crying like a baby in here are you?" she said to me and laughed.

I grabbed the closest thing to me, A book, And threw it at her.

It hit her in the face and her nose started to bleed "Get the fuck out of here, if I see you again you will be lucky if you make it out alive" I said to her.

She turned and walked away.. I knew better than anyone that in a place like this I couldn't let people push me around.

I lay on my bed and cried for hours, Even after what Jaxon had said, I couldnt help but feel like that would be the last time I ever saw either of them,

He was going to take Ezmaya and run.. And I didn't blame him, I wasn't good for either of them.

They would be happier without me in their life, Ria would make a better mother than I did.

I accepted the fact I would be forever alone, I accepted the fact I would never see my daughter again, I accepted that my dads were done with me.

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