Memories Bring Back, Memories Bring Back You..

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It had been almost a month since Ezra had died, since Ria had killed Jessica.

I had dumped Jessica in a lake, Imagine the way I did with Dr Lance but replace the body with Jessicas and I was alone without Sofia, That was pretty much how it went.

I didn't wrap the body or anything. I wasn't in the right mindset at all, I just drove to the lake and throw her in.

I wanted to be doing anything but dumping a body that day.

I don't know what possessed me that day, But I took a cutting of Jessicas hair.

I put it in a little plastic bag and wrote her name on it.
I know I shouldn't have but in my defense it wasn't my kill.

Ria had killed her.. I just wanted something to remember her by.

Ezymaya was 4 months old now, She was growing so fast.

It was the morning of Ezra's funeral.
I got Jessicas phone from my pocket and text Sofia

Jessica; Hey baby, Thinking of you today, Love always mom xxx

Sofia text straight back

Sofia; Thanks mom, I miss you so much, hurry up and come home. x

Jessica; I will baby xx

I didn't know how long I could keep this up for, But I couldn't tell Sofia her mom was dead.

I turned the phone off and put it under my seat in the car.

I straightened my suit and got out of the car, Sofia's dad Daniel was at my house, He was babysitting.

Daniel came over to me as soon as I got out of the car. "I'm sorry for your loss pal, We will be thinking of you today"

I liked Daniel. "Thanks mate, Ezmaya likes paw patrol and pepper pig, It's a life saver."

Daniel smiled "She is just like her mommy, A cartoon baby"

Sofia came to the car.
She was wearing a short black dress and black heels, She looked amazing.

Once she got in the car. It was time to get this over with.

As we started to pull up at the church, The police department cars were directing Ezra's through the streets.

Being in the police force meant he would have a full police escort.

He would have loved it, It was proper send off.

I couldn't help but tear up, I was finally laying my brother to rest.

I was so thankful that I had sofia be my side.

I didn't relise how hard this day would be..

We all got to the church doors.

You always have that one person that crys uncontrollably.
Annoying isn't it?

I bet the bitch didn't even know Ezra, Not like I did.

Everyone was holding flowers, Ezra didn't like flowers, He said they were a waste of money.

I just laughed to myself.
I could imagine him saying 'don't let them buy flower's I'm a man'.

We waited patiently for the funeral car to pull up in front of us, Everyone was coming up to mw, Giving me their condolences.

What do you say back? 'Oh thank you for saying that?' What was I meant to reply with..
I just nodded my head.

It was my turn to hold him once again, With his friends from the police department. And of course Uncle Smit wanted to be involved.

We all picked up my brother and held him high as we walked into the church with Leona Lewis 'Footprints In The Sand' playing.

We walked slowly into the church, I emotionally or physically wasn't ready for this day, But would I ever be?

We took our seats and there lay a leaflet with Ezra's face on it.

It felt like only yesterday we were on the beach and he was with us, Now it's just a blur.
In a blink of a eye he was gone.

The priest stood up and gave a few words, We all sang some hymns.

Everyone recited the Lord's Prayer and Ezra's superintendent said a few words.

It got to my turn to stand up and speak about Ezra.
I froze for a second, Sofia was holding my hand telling me I had got this, saying how he would be so proud of me, told me she was with me every step of the way.

Her just being there was the only thing keeping me going through all of it..

I stood up, My whole body was trembling.
I could barley speak.

I walked up toward Ezra's coffin, Put my hand on it for a few seconds then approached the podium and began to say a few words.

"Ezra was bright, Smart, Funny, Intelligent.. We were all so lucky to know him.
Sometimes he was a pain in the ass and sometimes he would wind people up like you wouldn't believe, But that was just Ezra.
No one would have changed him for the world, I know I wouldn't have.
And although he only got a few short months with her, He adored his baby niece."

I looked around the church. "I want to sing a song in his honour.."

I sighed, got my composure and began to sing for my little brother;

And that was out final goodbye to Ezra.
I don't remember much else from that day..

A week later was the reading off the will.

I didn't even know Ezra had written a will but there we were, Sitting in the lawyers office.
Ezmaya asleep in her car seat on the floor. The lawyer was ready

"This is the last will & testament of the recently deceased  Mr Ezra Angelo."

He stopped talking and looked at Sofia and I then continued.

"He requested only Mr Jaxon Reece Angelo And Miss Sofia Louise Rose to be present at the reading, and their daughter Ezmaya Leah Angelo."

Well we were here and waiting...

He continued
"Firstly we have a rolex, With a note, The note attached reads

"For my brother Jaxon, I left this for you because time waits for no man, Use it wisely."

He handed the watch and note over, typical Ezra, Always a last little bit of advice.

The lawyer then took out a heart shaped broach with a note attached and read the note aloud.

"For my sister-in-law Sofia, Because you captured the hearts of me and my brother."

Sofia took it, I could see was crying.
I was so glad Ezra had learnt to love her in the end.

The lawyer began to speak again.
"I have a key, It says the key is to be given to Jaxon and the envolope containing the location is to be given to a Mr Smit Angelo, because one is useless without the other."

Ezra was always a smart guy but this was crazy.
Me and Smit would never work together, Maybe that was the point.

The lawyer looked from my to Sofia and then back to the will.
"Now for the big one." He said.
"All stocks and equity, 1 house in the suburbs, 1 apartment down town, an Audi, any and all cash balances.. All have been left to a Miss Ezmaya Leah Angelo, With love for her uncle Ezra.."

Sofia and I just looked at each other..

Wow, Ezmaya really did capture her Uncle Ezra's heart..

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