Hello Handsome.

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It had been a few day's since we found out Ezra had left everything to Ezmaya.

I was working my arse off to provide for my family but at least I knew my daughter had an inheritance for when she was older.

I decided to look for a new tenant to take over Ezra's bedroom, This was really hard for me so I asked Sofia to ask around.

It wasn't like she could go out and get a job, She needed to help some way.

I headed off to work, Bur first I gave my little princess a kiss on the forehead.

Seeing her beautiful smiles made me realise how quickly she had actually grown up.

I had to do so much over time for the next few months, To pay for late rent, And other bill's that I needed to catch up on.

It was my fault, I had gambled everything away. Sofia shouldn't have to be the one to try and get us out of the hole I put us in.

As I grabbed my coat and headed out to the car I saw Ria in her garden.

I didn't know how to approach her with out scaring her,
So I shouted "Ria, Can I talk to you" across to her.

I can't believe I shouted from across the road, But she heard me.
She looked up and walked over to my gate..

"Hey,how are you?" I asked.

Ria spoke quietly. "Pretty good considering I killed a women, Are we really doing this?"

I felt for her. "It wasn't your fault Ria. Nobody know's about it so don't worry."

Ria rolled her eyes. "Katie was right about you Jaxon, Every thing you touch turn's to shit."

Ouch, But that was fair.

"Well I'm not the one who killed someone am I?!" I I said angrily.

I got in to my car and I thought to myself 'what a bitch!'

I headed into work, Not knowing what the day would bring.
I hoped it would be better than the day before.

I grabbed Jessicas phone to check it, There was a message off Sofia.

Sofia; Please come home mum, Me and Esmaya miss you. xxxxx

Jessica- I miss you both too, I'll be home when I can xxxx

I didn't know how long I could keep this up for, But I knew I couldn't break Sofia's heart, Not right now.

We had 2 victim's in that day.

Bobby Rae- Aged 67 brutely murdered, There were sign's of wacking to the head that caused the brain to bleed.

I had Been dead around 3 days before he was found.
I finished off my paper work and sent it off to the detectives.

I got a text shortly after from Sofia..

Sofia; I've found a gentleman aged 23 he seems okay he need's to move closer to his university shall I give him a call?xxx

Jaxon; Yeah sound good sweetheart, be careful .xx

Sofia; I can look after myself xx

Jaxon; I'm sure you can babe xx

I knew she was more that capable looking after herself, But it was my job to love and protect her no matter what.

I had to get back to work, I had loads to do.
I had tons of paper work to finish, It was defiantly coffee o'clock.

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