Chapter two: Smolder

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I was staring down at my workplace nemesis. Wait a moment, the correct term might be staring up because the man had the audacity to be a whole foot taller than my 5'2" height. Still, I wasn't about to back down from this battle. I knew several people in the office were uncomfortable witnessing our current showdown.

Maybe I should give a little backstory of this scene. Jameson and I had been sworn enemies from the first time we met. He wanted everything I wanted and only one of us could get it. I have never known what it is to lose and I had no intention of learning now. So our war had flourished especially because Jameson was a sore loser.

"It is my turn to have full access to the printer," he said through gritted teeth.

"Ever watched Jumanji?" I asked in return.

"What?" He replied in bewilderment.

"You know Dr Braveston's special abilities include a smoldering intensity," I went on.

"And?" He asked.

"You don't have it as one of yours. You don't make me squirm no matter how hard you glare, but keep trying. Its cute," I said with a smile. Wait for it...

"I AM A GROWN MAN, I AM NOT CUTE!!" He yelled.

"What is going on here?" The department head asked walking into the room in a rush.

"Jameson won't let me print time sensitive documents," I explained honestly.

"Again?" She asked in exasperation.

"Madam, today is my day with unlimited access to the printer." Jameson defended.

"And how long would it take for Aisha to print her documents?" She pushed.

"Um.." he faltered.

"I only need five minutes," I answered.

"Then have at it, and you two are worse than fighting siblings. May God give me patience to deal with you." With that she went back to her office. Lucky for her she wasn't stuck in the open space office with the rest of us.

I quickly set to work before returning to my desk to wind up on my morning work. Jameson was sour about the fact that I always beat him to the deadlines. Its not like I am a show off or anything but I couldn't help myself being good at my job, really good actually. It was Friday and we had a work policy that you only had to say in the office until you completed your week's schedule. I was almost done with mine and in another hour I'd be off for an early weekend.

I had great plans for the weekend. I would travel home to my family. They were my favorite people and even though they didn't quite understand me, I knew they loved me. I missed them so much and the only reason I didn't find a job closer home was because my parents wouldn't let me.

An hour and a half later, I was done. I had encountered several problems but that didn't stifle my joy one bit. I took a quick visit to the bathroom before I left. When I got back to my desk, I found Jameson leaning on it watching my approach. On any other day this wouldn't bother me but I was a woman on a mission.

"Not now Jameson," I stated leaving no room for argument. However, this was Jameson and he wasn't just going to let things go.

"I don't like you," he sneered.

"Neither do I like you," I confirmed.

"Actually, nobody in this office really likes you." He injected.

"Well, is there supposed to be a point to this random mentioning of facts?" I countered.

"What? You are not bothered by the fact that you are disliked by everyone in this office?" He looked quite bothered by my response.

"People don't like me, Jameson. It is what it it," I shrugged while picking up my things. "I am leaving now," I said over my shoulder as I walked away.

"If I didn't loathe you so much, I'd actually pity you. You are such a sad mess," he shot at me in a last attempt to rattle me.

I didn't dignify his words with a response and I just kept walking. Once in the elevator, I let myself gulp in some deep breaths. I knew not to listen to the one man whose sole goal was to sabotage me, but a small part of me saw the truth in his words. For as long as I could remember, I was always the odd one out- the outsider looking in.

"Think happy thoughts," I whispered to myself as I arrived at the ground floor. At the absurdity of my statement I chuckled and shook my head. I was so caught up in my bubble that I walked right into someone. "Am so sorry," I sputtered at the lady in front of me.

"Oh don't sweat it. I am a bit of a scatterbrain myself," she replied with a laugh. I was taken aback by her small voice, especially because she was quite taller than me.

"So am I, honestly." I said quickly to hide my staring.

"Two peas in a pod we are," she giggled. Unexpectedly, she pulled me into a hug and nearly smothered me. "Can we be friends, say we can be friends pleease." She rumbled out rapidly.

"Uh, let me get back to you on that." I said pulling myself away slowly.

"Am Sheila by the way," she continued. "And you are?"

"Aisha, and I really have to go." I explained.

"Great, am the new receptionist and I will be seeing you around. I know we are going to be the best friends ever," she insisted. She then turned and walked away only looking back shortly to wave at me.

I tried to wrap my head around all of that as I tumbled into the noon sun outside. Sometimes, not quite often enough, I meet someone who actually made me look normal. Sheila just happened to be one of those few people. I smiled to myself as I thought how it would be if we actually became friends. Wonders will never cease...

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