Chapter twenty one: night.

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I had been standing at this doorstep for the better part of five minutes. I knew I would have to go in eventually but I was procrastinating. In there I would find my best friend, her fiancee, my boss and several strangers. Fitting in would have been fine if it weren't for the fact the bride to be was my best friend. That would mean that I'd get to be introduced to a lot of people. I dreaded the amount of smiling I had in store for me.

"Aren't you going to go in?" A kind voice asked.

"Huh?" I said in confusion as I looked up to a smiling face.

"I was sitting in my car waiting for my husband and noticed that you have been on this doorstep for quite a while. Would you like to go in together?" The lady asked me. I made a guess that she was Titus's relative due to the resemblance.

"Am not very good with social gatherings," I laughed.

"Its okay. I know most people in there and they are nice. I am just curious to see who managed to snag my brother," she said in amusement.

"You haven't met Sheila?" I asked.

"No, I haven't. I am a busy woman and I wish that my brother and I got together more often but we don't. Also this whole thing just happened out of the blue. My only hope is that he knows what he is doing. Shall we?" She said as she pushed the door open. I walked in behind her with a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. I suspected that her reaction wouldn't be too positive once she met Sheila.

I looked around as I tried to spot any familiar face. It didn't take long to locate the couple as they were surrounded by a throng of people wanting to congratulate them. The pained smile on Sheila's face made me feel terrible for being late. I should have been here earlier to help her as she met all these people intent on judging her harshly. I pushed my way through the crowd and was soon standing next to them.

"Am sorry for being late," I said apologetically as I pulled Sheila into a hug.

"Aisha," she sighed. "I thought you wouldn't come. Actually I couldn't blame you if you decided to skip this party," she told me.

"I considered not coming but I decided to be a good friend and put my discomfort aside. How are you holding up?" I inquired.

"So far so good," she said bravely. "The way some people keep insinuating that am a golddigger. They have no idea that I earn much more than most of them even do," she revealed.

"Maybe you should just tell them that. They would probably die of embarrassment," I joked.

"Hey, we are not embarrassing anyone. Some of your relatives and friends haven't been very kind in pointing out that am too old for you. Your sister, Eva, even said that am taking advantage of your youth since am old and probably would have died alone." Titus offered as he joined our conversation.

"Titus my man," I said as I hugged him briefly. "You look happy," I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, I know. This party is beginning to make me regret throwing it. I didn't imagine that everyone would have such contrary opinions," he admitted.

"Such is life," I said solemnly.

"Titus," a slightly familiar voice called.

"Gina," he responded as he pulled his sister into an embrace. "I haven't seen you in months. Here, meet my fiancee. Sheila, this is my younger sister Gina. This bundle of joy is Aisha, Sheila's best friend." Titus introduced.

"Wow, your fiancee is so beautiful." Gina gushed. "Come here girl," she said and smothered Sheila in a hug. I couldn't help my amusement and didn't get away in time so I got pulled into a bear hug of my own. "I know you, you are the girl at the door." She pointed out.

"Yeah, that's me." I agreed a little awkwardly.

"We should all catch up sometime and then I can tell you embarrassing stories about Titus. He would probably not like that very much," she said with a brilliant smile.

"Gina, you will not embarrass me in front of my wife to be. And Aisha doesn't need anymore reason to disrespect me," he said and sent a glare at me.

"I respect you," I lied.

"No, you don't." Both Sheila and Gina countered.

"Are you two already ganging up?" I questioned.

"Not really, but I would love to have a sister in-law with whom we got along. My husband's sisters think am not good enough," Gina revealed with a grin.

"And you don't seem to mind so much," I observed.

"You should meet them before you pass any judgement," she told me. "Hey Sheila, would you accompany me to the bathroom. I can tell you need a break from smiling so much. Aisha can step in for you since I assume she will be the maid of honor," She suggested.

Before I could protest Sheila shot me an apologetic look and followed Gina through the crowd. I was left there standing next to Titus with a sense of foreboding. I didn't get long to brood because I was soon being introduced to people I probably would never get to know. I smiled and exchanged pleasantries as best I could. I wondered how many people Titus had managed to invite but didn't get a chance to ask. I guessed that they were almost a hundred.

It was in such a state of false smiles and meaningless greetings that I spent the rest of my evening. At some point Sheila got back but I still couldn't get away from the heart of the action. The only time I got any relief was when Titus gave a small speech. Afterwards people settled down to eat and I got pulled into a conversation with one of Sheila's sisters. I wish I had positive words to describe them but they were absolutely dreadful and mean. I could barely stand them. The only reason I stuck around was because I knew Sheila would do the same for me.

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