Chapter Twenty Four: Love lost.

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I walked with meaningful and long strides towards the lift. I didn't exactly want to have to report the two culprits but it felt like my office was getting trespassed upon too often. I needed to do something to affirm my authority before it became a trend to disrespect me like that. As soon as Bruce and I got into the lift I pressed the close button and watched in slight amusement as the two realized they'd have to take the stairs. I didn't feel very charitable at that moment.

On a Monday mid morning the HR department was pretty much empty save for those who worked there. I easily got an appointment with the Head and went in to see her. Bruce tagged along like my shadow and settled into the chair next to mine. I smiled at the lady as I prepared to table my grievance.

"Aisha, aren't you supposed to be away on sick leave?" She beat me to the conversation.

"Um, I got better." I replied sheepishly. To be honest I wasn't staying home so here I was.

"Wow, I don't know anyone who is as enthusiastic as you about their job. I am assuming you aren't here about that though, are you?" She observed.

"No, I am not. I encountered a disturbing scene when I arrived at my office. I found Oliver and some lady from maintenance using my office for a sexual rendezvous. Aside from finding this to be utterly disgusting, I am also appalled by how disrespectful it is. I am here to stage my complaint," I explained. I was surprised when she didn't look nearly as surprised as I had expected. I wondered for a moment if it was accepted practice for people to have sex in the office.

"Thank you for bringing this to me. We have been having a problem with the duo. This is not the first time we have received such a complaint about them but usually it is just hearsay. No proper disciplinary action could be taken without adequate evidence or witnesses and am glad we finally have that. I will have my assistant pull up the paperwork for their termination," she stated in a straightforward manner.

"Termination? Isn't that a little extreme?" I asked without thinking.

"Not really. In this case we have tried to talk with the culprits to no avail. From their records, we have come to suspect that they have a problem with drug abuse and addiction. Also the office counselor suggested they get help for sexual addiction but the two simply laughed it off and said there is no such thing. We couldn't just lay them off seeing as they are members of the labour union but now it is within our rights to let them go." Her explanation made a lot of sense but I couldn't help feel a little guilty to be the reason they'd get fired.

"Oh," I said for lack of a better thing to say.

"You don't need to stay around anymore. I got your statement and you are no longer needed," she offered seeing my discomfort.

"In that case, I will get back to work." I said and got up. Bruce got up with me and followed me out.

I found my two not so favorite people waiting outside with grim looks. It seemed that they had finally began to comprehend the gravity of their actions. I knew I had been well within my rights to report them but couldn't help flinching at the glare the lady shot me as I walked past. I knew she was only going to hate me more once she realized she was fired.

"Take back the statement," she suddenly said getting to her feet.

"Its already done," I said plainly.

"But am going to lose my job," she tried to appeal to me. It looked like she didn't need to be told because she already knew. I watched her closely and noticed that she didn't appear the least bit sorry. She was distraught at the prospect of losing her job but not enough to acknowledge her wrong. I hated such people who couldn't take responsibility for their actions.

"Yes, you are. And then maybe you can learn to take responsibility for your actions and to respect the people who pay your salary. This is a workplace, not a brothel where you can do whatever you want," I told her firmly. She clenched her jaw in anger.

"You are one to talk," she shot back. "Seeing as you are trying to sleep your way to the top," she accused with so much venom. I should have been angry but her desperate jab at me only brought me amusement.

"Oh sweetie but I don't need to," I said sweetly. "I am really great at my job and don't spend my time letting some man use me for cheap orgasms. I am going all the way to the top but am going to use my brains not a hole between my legs," I stated clearly right before I sauntered off. I didn't miss the startled looks I got from everyone for the use of such vulgar language.

I must have left Bruce behind somewhere because I went up in the lift alone. I arrived on my floor and stopped by the water dispenser to get something for my parched throat. I made my way to an empty desk and settled there as I rang up for the cleaners. I wasn't about to sit in my office until it was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. I didn't mind working in the open with everyone else for the day. I would wait out for my office to air.

"Madam," Bruce's voice had me looking up from my phone which I had been using to check my work schedule.

"How may I help you?" I asked moodily. I really wasn't in a conversational mood.

"I wanted to apologise for not stepping up in your absence. I had left the office when they managed to sneak into your office and when I came back I really didn't know how to handle the situation. I was hoping to get in a reprimand once they made their way out. You just beat me to it," he told me in a sincere voice. I knew it wasn't his fault but I couldn't help enjoy watching him squirm.

"Okay," I replied simply. The look of relief on his face was almost comical. "Get back to work Bruce," I directed and he shot off gratefully. I had worked in this company for several years and I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I just got two people fired. It was mostly their fault but I really didn't want to make enemies just when I was having a good run in life.

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